Saturday, September 1, 2012

Already September!!!

I can't believe that school has started already and it will be fall soon. I am so very sorry to have kept all of you hanging for so long, but we have been stopped in our tracks quite a few times this summer. I think the last I posted, I was waiting for my biopsies. Unfortunately I did not get them. The day before, I went to the E.R. with an abscessed colon. The surgeons had a conference about me and decided not to do a bowel re-section at this time. I was admitted for a few days, then sent home on strong meds. If I get one more attack, they say it would be bad. Then earlier this week Phil went to the E.R. and had to have an emergency appendectomy. We have been relying on the kindness of family and friends to help us out. I hope I do not lose any of my blog friends, I am hoping to start posting again at some point. My biopsies are now scheduled for next month if I can stay healthy enough. Please feel free to e-mail me any time and I hope to start posting when things get better!!

A Trip to The Vet

 My photos were taken from the T,V. and the quality is awful, but I just could not resist posting this story. In Turkey, a mother dog carrie...