Friday, July 24, 2015

Weekend Update

Time for me to let you know what has been going on. Phil now has a team of doctors at a big University Hospital. They are scanning and doing biopsies to find out if the melanoma has spread. Then a surgeon will remove Phil's lower eyelid, and anywhere else the cancer may have spread.

About a week later, a plastic surgeon will operate again. She will make him a new lower eyelid by taking skin from the top of an upper eyelid, and from underneath the other eyelid. She will create the new lid, attach it, and sew his eye closed for a month.

No one has ever heard of such a thing, so we have no one to talk to about it. We feel like we are in a bad science fiction movie. We will be spending a lot of time in the hospital with tests and surgeries. I STILL plan on returning to posting when things settle down! Thank you all so much for your comments, prayers, and sticking by me!!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Bad News

This is Phil after the doctor did a biopsy on his lower eyelid. We got the results yesterday, and he has stage ll melanoma. They will likely have to remove his lower eyelid and reconstruct it with skin from his neck. But first they need to check and see if it has spread anywhere. I WILL return to blogging, but we need to get through this first.  Getting old is definitely NOT for sissies!

I believe he will have a team consisting of: a head surgeon, a dermatologist, an oncologist, and an eye doctor. We go to the big University Hospital on Tuesday, and then we will know the plan. I love and miss all of you, you are the BEST!!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

July Update

Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments, prayers, and cards!! They mean a lot. Now to the latest. Phil has had three infections in his incision. They had to cut his whole abdomen open and let it heal from the inside to the outside. I am packing and bandaging it twice a day, and nurses are coming twice a week. It is finally healing, though still a big open gash. Monday we go back to see the surgeon and see when Phil will be cleared. He still has a way to go, but we are walking together and he is going out now. I hope to return to blogging sometime this month!! Thank you so MUCH!! I miss you all. I have a lot of pictures to catch you up on when I return.

Giants Among Us

 The theme for all the Fall and Halloween decorations this year seems to be GIANT. Everything, both inside and out, is gigantic! These are p...