Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Kiss Of Death

 This life size statuary known as the “Kiss of Death” was sculpted in white marble and was erected in 1930. It is in Poblenou Cemetery, Barcelona, Spain. It depicts a winged skeleton taking the life of a young man by way of a tender kiss. It is almost like a loving embrace.

It marks the grave of a local textile manufacturer. It is believed he died at a young age.

It depicts the idea of embracing death rather than fearing it. The delicate details capture both soft skin and bony fingers elegantly.

  • “Death is no more than passing from one room into another. But there’s a difference for me, you know. Because in that other room I shall be able to see” – Helen Keller

Sunday, February 16, 2025

The Snow Moon

 This month's full moon is called The Snow Moon. February has more snow than any other month.

It looked full to me. But it was actually four or five days away from being full! I had to snap it early though, due to the oncoming weather.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Sunday Sunset - Sunspots

 We were driving home at sunset time when we saw this. These are technically called "Sun Dogs". I do not like this name, and call them Sun Spots.

They are caused by the sun reflecting off of ice crystals high up in the atmosphere. They appear around sunset and there is often one on each side of the sun.

Then it appeared as a streak across the sky!

Then it broke into two and became double!

They only last a minute or two, then are gone in the blink of an eye!

  1. "Sun dogs remind us that beauty often appears in unexpected forms."
  2. "Like sun dogs, life’s wonders can be fleeting yet magnificent."
  3. "Sun dogs are nature's way of showing us that light can create magic."
  4. "Witnessing a sun dog is a reminder that the universe is full of surprises."
  5. "The fleeting beauty of sun dogs encourages us to cherish each moment."

Friday, February 14, 2025

Better Late Than Never

 It is a day late, but better late than never! The Big Cat is all dressed up in a tutu for a Valentine party!

Looks like the cat is a girl rather than a boy!

She has a bit of company from Cupid, who is trying to shoot his arrow through the door.

He also has a flag this year.

Other houses in the area are trying to compete. This wreath is a Valentine to cats!

This house usually has a matching flag and mailbox.

Window clings that our granddaughters did several years ago.

A blown glass heart

“The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing.”

– Blaise Pascal

Thursday, February 13, 2025

We Interrupt Valentine's Day For This Update

 Thank you all so very much for your prayers and thoughts for our weather! On top of 10' of snow, we had 11 hours of freezing rain! And we never lost power! It was a miracle for sure. I am so grateful for all of you!

Not only that, we woke up to a sunny 60 degrees day with almost everything melted!! Crazy weather!

We also woke up to this. Phil's skin on his arms and all down his spine. Our dermatologist fitted us in.

I was pretty worried, since it was all down his spine. Turned out it is only eczema! Driving home, I got some photos of how the snow is all going away on the mountains.

Be good to your skin. You'll wear it every day for the rest of your life.

Renee Rouleau

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Valentine House

 It is about 10:30m P.M. and has been freezing rain for several hours now. We still have power!! But the ice is to continue till 4 A.M.! So we are just kind of waiting.

This is a house not too far from us.

“Every heart has a story to tell.”
– Maya Angelou

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The Blizzard & The Ice

 We are in a blizzard. In some places, two inches of snow an hour has fallen. Then tomorrow and the next day, we are to get two different waves of ice and freezing rain. Mass power outages are very likely. Our state has been declared an emergency. So if you don't hear from me for awhile, you will know why.

Here are some tiny bird footprints in our yard.

“Being closed in makes us edgy because it reminds us of our vulnerability before the elements; we can't escape the fact that life is precarious.”

 — Kathleen Norris

The Kiss Of Death

  This life size statuary known as the “Kiss of Death” was sculpted in white marble and was erected in 1930. It is in Poblenou Cemetery, Bar...