The streamers, balloons, and dinner tableware all are color coordinated
Take a sneak peek at the TWO cakes, each twin got his favorite.
This was just part of our delicious dinner

Eleven candles on each cake

I warned the boys that any hijinks would be made public on my blog!

Time for gift opening
Eleven candles on each cake
I warned the boys that any hijinks would be made public on my blog!
Time for gift opening
Welcome! Come along with me to the very special party we went to tonight. Twins Caleb and Connor were born 11 years ago today, and went home from the hospital in outfits we gave them. Ever since then, we have never missed a birthday, and watched them grow into awesome boys who are so smart that they have always been in their school's gifted class. Instead of a big party, tonight was an elegant dinner party just for family, and we were invited. We were honored to be counted among family. This was nicer than a big party because we got to have quality time with them, and a delicious home cooked meal. We also started having bible studies with them this summer, and they have really been delightful. These boys are able to grasp concepts that some adults cannot. I think God likes rejoicing at parties, because he ordered the Israelites to have several feasts a year, and these people knew how to party!! At one feast, they partied for seven days, and God filled them with so much joy that they partied for seven more after that!! Another time, they had 2,000 bulls and 17,000 sheep and goats. Hmmm...lots of good protein, but I would have missed the cake and ice-cream!