Sunday, May 31, 2020

Tiny House

    I will not be visiting my blog friends today, as I have a medical procedure that requires me to be unconscious. This concerns me because of the Covid virus, as I may not be able to wear a mask. But it has to be done.
    Anyway, here is a local tiny house. The inside is not finished yet. Tiny houses are all the rage around here. 

A lady in our church is an expert on tiny houses. She has written a popular book on decorating them, and gives lectures.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Sunday Sunset

I snapped these in September, as the sun went down.

"Let us live like flowers
wild and beautiful
and drenched in the sun."

Ellen Everett

Friday, May 29, 2020

Green With Envy

I don't remember where we saw this car. But my favorite thing about it is the lime green wheels. I think they are so cool! The car itself is a very dark green. Not sure what the hood ornament is, it looks a bit like a level!

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.
~Henry Ford

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Rust Never Sleeps

In the nearby city of Charlottesville, they were building a big new hotel. And whenever we went to town, we would pass it. I liked checking out the modern look of it coming together. It started like this, which I thought was unusual & pretty. I couldn't wait to see it finished.

 And here it is, finished. They covered up the pretty pink shades with rusted cracks! ARGH! I think it is awful! Rust has it's place, like in lawn decorations etc., but not on the front of a modern building. Just my opinion. And I have been seeing this on other buildings, what is the DEAL? It looks old and run down right after being built.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Doors

I happened to see these doors on Pinterest, and just loved them! I wish I could make our front door look as great as any one of these. Do you have a favorite?

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Spoon Gorilla

I am following the Knife angel with the Spoon Gorilla! The idea for a giant gorilla statue grew from a conversation between magician Uri Geller and Clive Knowles, Chairman of the British Ironworks Centre and Black Country Metal Works. Famous for his spoon-bending abilities, Uri commissioned an artwork of a gorilla made from spoons.

Schools from across the UK, as well as far-flung places such as China, India, and Kenya, donated spoons for the project. Sculptor, Alfie Bradley, told the BBC that he thought of the artwork as “a protector of children” because the spoons were donated by schoolchildren.

After the statue was finished five months later, an astonishing 40,000 spoons had gone into creating the giant ape, including a spoon said to have been used by Winston Churchill himself. Each spoon was welded by hand to create the 12-foot-tall statue.

All photos are from the web.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Knife Angel

This is a re-post from last year. Because I have found something like the knife angel, almost as cool! But you will have to wait till my next post to see it:

The star attraction of the National Ironworks Centre in England is called “Knife Angel.” It’s a towering, poignant tribute to lives lost by knife violence.

The Knife Angel stands 27 feet tall and is made of over 100,000 knives. The knives were collected from police departments in England. Thirty percent of the knives used in the sculpture were bloodied on arrival and came in biohazard bags.

It was constructed to raise awareness about knife crime. Alfie Bradley, the artist, disinfected and blunted the weapons before welding them to form the angel. Families of those lost to knife violence can engrave a message onto one of the sculpture’s many thousands of blades.

All pictures are from the web.

"For men who think a woman's place is in the kitchen, just remember, that's where the knives are kept."

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Memorial Day 2020

For death is no more than a turning of us over from time to eternity.
  ~William Penn

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Sunday Sunset

“You want proof there’s a God? Look outside, watch a sunset.”
Frank E. Peretti

Giants Among Us

 The theme for all the Fall and Halloween decorations this year seems to be GIANT. Everything, both inside and out, is gigantic! These are p...