What do you think this is? It is called a Fulgurite, and it belongs to me. My friend bought it on eBay and gave it to me. A Fulgurite is the result of lightening striking sand. The lightening rises the sand into a whirlwind and makes it into hollow tube, which hardens later. It is basically petrified sand. Fulgur is Latin for thunderbolt. They are fragile, and very light and airy. Pretty cool, huh?
I saw this man on T.V. who could stick his hand in lightening while wearing a special glove that would deflect it. Then he put on a special helmet that protected him from lightening striking his head. I took these pictures from T.V.
And I saw these for sale at a Science Museum!
Have you ever been shocked or struck by lightening?
“He lets loose his lightnings from horizon to
horizon, lighting up the earth from pole to pole. In their wake, the thunder
echoes his voice, powerful and majestic.”
Job 37