Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Back From The Hospital

Hello to all my dear blogging friends, have you missed me? I have missed you, I feel like I know each of you personally. We have been going through some trials. We were one of the places in Virginia hit by the bad storms, and it affected us, though our home is safe. When the big storm started, I got very ill, and we had to go to the E.R., where they admitted me to the hospital. I got home last night, but am very weak and taking a lot of strong drugs which are making me ill. So I will have to take a blogging break, I am not well enough to be on the computer for very long. I do not know if the break will be a few days or almost two weeks, when my medicine is done. I will miss each one of you, and I promise when I return I will tell you about everything that has happened, including pictures. Until then, stay safe, my dear friends. And to my very special friend, here are some glittering decorative grasses I have snapped over the years, I know they are a favorite of yours. I will leave you with this quote that had great meaning to me this week.

“The Lord is Good” - period. Everything about God is good,
including everything that is related to me-- His thoughts about me,
His plans for me, His actions toward me, His guidance in me, His
blessings to me, His protection of me, His purposes fulfilled
through me and His ordained circumstances that surround me at
this very moment in my life. They may not look good, seem good,
sound good or feel good--but because they are ordained of God,
they ARE good. Colossians 3:3 says that “your life is hid with
Christ in God.” Every detail of your life is contained in Him,
including your present circumstances, trials, and needs.


Annie Jeffries said...

You are on my prayers list RIGHT NOW, Ginny.

Gentle hugs,

Dawning Inspiration said...

I've been praying for you...
Sending love and hugs.

My pastor says: God is good all the time and All the time God is good. That quote you wrote fits perfectly!

SquirrelQueen said...

Hi Ginny, it's good to hear from you. Take good care of yourself and get better. You are in my prayers.

Joanne said...

Oh Ginny, I know you are so sick of that ER. I pray that you feel better soon. I know Phil will be taking great care of you.
You are in my prayers.
Blessings, Joanne

Stephanie V said...

I have missed you! I'm glad that your home is safe but sad that you are struggling with the meds again. Stay strong...

Anonymous said...

I continue to pray for you, Ginny.

Ann said...

I have missed you and have been thinking of you and sending you good wishes.
Take care of yourself and get better soon.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love love the grasses, and the 4th down is my favorite and one i would love to have. praying hard for you and Phil. love you

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures of the grasses.
I like your quote today.
Get well soon my friend.
Big hugs


Anonymous said...

Happy Fourth Ginny, and so thankful you are home now .... take good care of yourself, rest and drink in plenty of the Lord's presence.....you were missed. Enjoyed your photo's ...as always though...you have such a good eye ....May God continue to restore your health

From the Kitchen said...

Take good care sweet friend. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.


Ruth Hiebert said...

My prayers have and will continue to be with you. Yes,God is in control,we can rest in that,yet at times the way is rough and the road long.Please rest and allow the meds to do their work while God is doing His. Hugs to you my dear friend.
Oh,almost forgot,the pictures are stunning.

Parsley said...

Iamso sorry you aren't well. Prayers...

Alice said...

The grasses are beautiful. I have wondered where you were..get well!

RoeH said...

You forget about blogging and just relax and rest. You deserve it. Hope you are better soon.

Melanie said...

Praying for you, Ginny! So glad you all were OK during the storm. Take it easy and get well soon!♥

Anonymous said...

oh Ginny, please take care, I will hold you in my prayers for a fast recovery, I'm so sorry to hear this,

Your photos of the grasses look like fireworks they are beautiful, be well my dear friend,

Arti said...

I myself just got back to blogging after a gap of almost one month. Just back from Japan.
Wish you all the best of health, hope everything gets well soon at your end.
Always in my thoughts and prayers,
~ Arti

S. Etole said...

Will miss you, too, Ginny. Prayers for a speedy recovery.

The grasses are beautiful.

Shug said...

Praying for you Ginny...Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Have a happy 4th today and please do not overdo...
feel better soon!
hugs and prayers

Reanaclaire said...

Ginny.. I am so touched by your post.. do take care.. speedy recovery.. God bless you!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Prayers for you, Ginny. Take care of yourself and get well...

Ruth Kelly said...

Trials come upon us but I can guarantee that the Lord will bless you. Get well and looking forward to when you are feeling better. I hope they have your power back on too.

FilipBlog said...

Beautifull pictures Ginny. I wish you all the best, hope you et better soon.


Bobbie said...

Oh Ginny, I am so sorry!! I will be praying!! I've been away for a while and am trying to get caught up. Please feel better soon! I have missed you terribly! Will be praying for you and Phil. Blessings, bobbi and gracie.

George said...

I'm glad you're safely home. Just concentrate on getting well and visit when you're feeling better. We'll keep you (and Phil) in our prayers.

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Hope you are soon feeling strengthened and again in full health. Lovely collection of grasses. I especially like the second last, reminds me of fireworks.

Tanna said...

Ginny, I will keep you in my prayers!! blessings ~ tanna

Anonymous said...

Take care Ginny. Get well soon!!!

Rose said...

Ginny, I had not been on because Lorelei was here...sorry to hear you have been ill...hope you feel better real soon!

Karin said...

Just spoke with someone this morning who said, "It is soooo hard to just BE STILL!" That's for sure! Trusting the Lord to restore your health fully for His glory and praise! Hugs! Be well and let the meds do their work. - Love your photos of those ornamental grasses!

Unknown said...

I do and will miss you Ginny. I've been out of town and dealing with my father-in-law who's been very sick and had surgery on Monday. So sorry to hear that you've been sick too. I'll be praying for a speedy recovery and God's hand of healing on you. Hope this is a sweet time for you to draw even closer to Him. Take care my friend!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I really miss you Ginny and praying for you to get better really fast. I am so sorry to hear that you've been hit like this. Stay strong okay and know there's a bunch of us out that love you a whole lot. I'm one of those people.

Jeanne said...

I sure hope you are feeling better by now Ginny. I will keep you in my prayers.

Marie said...

These photos are so beautiful!!! The third from the bottom is my favorite. I'm glad you are home and safe. You are in my prayers and thoughts. Hugs to you from me. :)

DawnTreader said...

Glad you're back home again, I hope you'll just be able to rest and take things easy until you feel better again. We'll be waiting. I heard about what happened from Sandra, I've been keeping you in my thoughts. ♥2U

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I'm so sorry you've been ill Ginny. I hope you're feeling better. I missed this post because I haven't been online much (we STILL don't have electricity - or water) but I made it a point to check in on you today. I hope that you are starting to feel better, and experience quick healing. Hugs to you!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

God bless you and heal you quickly.

Thank the lord you are all safe from that storm.

Linda said...

Hi Ginny,

I have missed you indeed! So nice to see your return with such beautiful photos. My prayers are with you; I am very glad to see you back!

photowannabe said...

So Sorry things have been so difficult for you but I'm glad you are home and pray that your restoration will be quick and complete.
Remember the words of the old hymn..Leaning on the Everlasting Arms.

BlueShell said...

Oh dear! Try to have some rest. Take care. We will wait. And we all will pray for you.

Hootin Anni said...

I've had you in my thoughts lately, and thought maybe I missed a post that you were taking a blogging break...as in vacation for the summer....NOT being hospitalized!!! I do hope you're returning to feeling healthy. And I will continue to have you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Oh my goodness....me being lax in doing much online I miss so much. You have me very concerned now.

Susannah said...

Hello Ginny, I did not realize until Sandra told me how sick you have been. I hope each day finds you feeling much better. Maybe we could talk sometime. God bless you.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I sure love the tall grasses. My lake house has a pair of the tall grasses just at the stairway to the dock. Impressive when blooming. Have a wonderful coming week!

Neal said...

Those are beautiful Ginny. Get well soon.

Anonymous said...

We miss you. Hope you are feeling better.
Jean in Memphis

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I am late getting here but I have been thinking about you...I pray you feel better soon!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Oh my dear, Ginny! I am so sorry to hear you aren't feeling well! I will add you to my prayer list that your medicine will help and that you will be feeling 100% very soon! rest, and don't worry about us -- we will be here for you when you return to blogging.

{{ Hugs}}

Glenda said...

Oh, Ginny! I am so sorry . . . about the storm and your sickness. I have not been blogging for the past two weeks, so I'm just learning of your difficult days. May God be so very near you and bring healing. "Hold on to Jesus" . . . better days are ahead!

Lynn said...

Ginny, You know you were on my mind when I heard about another friend describing the storm. She is on the Maryland coast or close enough. I read that it hit VA hard. I was praying for you the whole time. Still praying my friend. Having to go to the ER in the storm had to make everything so much worse. Yet, the Lord is always in every situation before we even get there. Get your strength back and get lots of rest. God Bless you sweetie.

Chatty Crone said...

Ginny I have honestly missed you. And I am extremely worried about you and have been praying for you. sandie

Anni said...

....just checking back today to see if you're feeling up to blogging....

GET BETTER SOON>you're missed.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you. Have a very good day today!

momto8 said...

jus wanted to let you know i am thinking about you.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Just lettin' you know I am thinking of you and hope you are feeling better soon.

Becky Jane said...

I just read your post...sorry you've been ill and sorry to be so late in connecting with you. I have missed you and came looking for you. I'm anxious to hear what's been happening. Glad to hear your house is safe. Praying your body will heal and that you can handle the meds okay.

Arti said...

Hope you are feeling much better now. Take Care.
Wish you a wonderful weekend Ginny:)

Unknown said...

Hi Ginny, thinking of you, hope and praying your feeling better!

S. Etole said...

You've been on my heart so much. Hope you are soon better. We miss you!

Melanie said...

Just thinking about you and praying you're feeling better!♥

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I'm thinking about you and praying all is well, Ginny! Get better soon! {{ Hugs}}}

LC said...

I have been thinking about you and praying. Thank you for your quote. Even in the midst of your extreme health challenges you have pointed my heart up and encouraged me to continue rejoicing in God's plan and presence no matter what the circumstances.

momto8 said...

Hi Ginny. Hope things are going ok.

SquirrelQueen said...

Ginny, I just wanted to stop by and say Hi and let you know I'm thinking about you. I hope you are feeling a little better. You are missed here in Blogland.

Unknown said...

Missing you Ginny, hope you're doing okay - Chris

Reanaclaire said...

hi Ginny..take a good rest... we are missing you no doubt..but we want you to rest well... God bless you!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Ginny, I hope you are feeling better. Take care, sweet friend. I'm praying for you and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs and blessings...Mary

Irene said...

Get well Ginny. You will always be in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I know you are not blogging and likely not on the computer much. I do want to let you know that I am praying for you. BE ENCOURAGED!

Arti said...

Missing you Ginny. Hope you are starting to feel better. My prayers and thoughts always with you.

Arti said...

Missing you Ginny. Hope you are starting to feel better. My prayers and thoughts always with you.

pam said...

Thinking about you tonight....asking Him how to pray.

Alice said...

I was thinking about you this morning. I hope all is well.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

My Dear Ginny,

So sorry that I have been gallivanting , not blogged or visited any other blog and not known about your condition.

I pray you are getting better by the day. I came back from Singapore last week. Last week at this time, I was struggling to sleep in the plane.

I also pray for Phil, and your grands and your children.

Stephanie V said...

It's been a month. I'm thinking of yo, Ginny, and hoping that you are getting stronger. I know that Phil is taking wonderful care of you and that the girls are bringing you smiles and big pink hearts!.

Karin said...

Still thinking of you and knowing you are in God's love and care. Blessings to you both!

Arti said...

Hey Ginny, Please update us on the latest. Thinking of you now, always in prayers. God Bless.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, I just wanted you to know that I think of you constantly --and hope and pray that you are feeling better... Can you please give us an update?

We have had a great trip to Arkansas celebrating my big 70!!!!

Much Love,

Anonymous said...

nice post thanks for sharing...

Anonymous said...

Can't someone give an update on Ginny? We are still praying and want to hear how she is doing.
Jean from Memphis

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Oh my dear I sure hope you will get over this and struggle and that strength will come back.
You have chosen some awesome pictures for this post.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...