“Have you ever traveled to where snow is made, seen the vault where
hail is stockpiled, the arsenals of hail and snow that I keep in readiness for times of trouble and battle and
Job 38
Here are more of the C.D.'s that people hang in their gardens to scare the birds away. They are so pretty when the sun shines on them. ...
Ginny, absolutely delightful. And your header made me smile. :)
Wonderful snowman! Love your header!
maybe it was just too darn cold out to build a snowman. We had so many days where the temperatures were in the negative range.
Those are cute snowmen though. The cowboy is my favorite
I like the idea of making them from paper lanterns. No melting...no mess.
i thought the trash barrels were coffee mugs until i read the post...love those hay bale snowmen. really cool . much better than real icy snowy snowmen. we could even have these here...
What a fun collection of snowmen! We never made a snowman in the snow, but we did build a fantastic igloo.
O.K., after a week in Florida, I can smile at these snowmen!! You've had much the same winter as we have. Enough!!
I'm just catching up with my blogging friends. Missed you.
What cute snowmen! The snowman from a lantern is really pretty :-) How creative!
I really like the hay snowmen. :)
You should visit the school I get the children from.Snowmen spring up like magic on the first milder day,when the snow will stick together.
Love that first snowman - very clever.
We didn't have snow this year, so no Snowman in The Netherlands.
no snow here this year....which means NO snowmen....
These are cute! Everyone loves seeing snowmen...after all, there's something magical about them....
We had ice. I, too, am glad that cold is behind us for now. But your snowmen make a cheery collection.
Oh wow, who needs snow when you have so many other wonderful snowmen around. The faceless cowboy is funny. I love the ones you and the girls did with the lanterns.
Time to get rid of it, I say! :) We had an unusually mild winter here so we've had weeks completely without snow by now. Still occasional night frost, though.
I'm surprised with all the snow you had this winter that there weren't more snowmen (made of snow) in your weather. Perhaps it was just too cold to make thee real thing. But I enjoyed the snowmen made from other materials.
Loved seeing your assortment of snowmen. I Have SEEN ONE LIKE THE HAY, BUT NOT THE OTHERS. TRUST YOU ARE STILL DOING WELL.
I like your fun snowmen Ginny but I LOVE that Scripture. What a beautiful picture!
Aren't you glad that your 'real' snowmen are gone?????
I think when there is too much snow, the novelty of the snowman fades away :-(
Ps....Ginny, I agree with you about the black throated green warbler...they DO look more yellow to me too. But if the light is hitting it just right, the back side of the bird looks olive green...guess where the 'green' comes in. Who knows.
Surprising after all that snow that there were not many snowmen....maybe everyone is tired of snow??
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