Monday, July 25, 2016

The Heat

Definition Of A Heat Wave - Three or more consecutive days with temperatures at least 90.

So much for three or more. We are in the middle of a two week heat wave. Today it was 100. Days when the curtains are kept closed, and you carry a water bottle everywhere. Mind you, I am not complaining. It is still better than winter! I snapped this sunset a few days ago. In an air conditioned car.

“You know that as soon as the sun rises, pouring down its scorching heat, the flower withers.”

James 1


Ann said...

I don't know if we've had that many days of 90 or more but we've at least been in the high 80's. Like you, I'll take it over winter though. That's a beautiful sunset.
To answer your question from my blog the other day, no I don't swim. I've never learned. I rarely go in the pool either. It's got to be REALLY hot and then I'll just go in long enough to cool off

MadSnapper n Beau said...

gives new meaning the Blazing Sun and Heat... gorgeous and HOT...

Gail said...

What a perfect Bible verse!

Every day we hover above a hundred for a few hours. We have been blessed with rain showers so that has saved us.

Here is one version of my bottle tree.
The brown bottles are old bleach bottles. I have a quart bottle on the tree and a large gallon one in the house. I have no blues...maybe one of these days.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi, As I think I told you, I am trying to put more emphasis on blogging for awhile and less on Facebook... We'll see how this works out.. There are quite a few blog friends NOT on FB --and I miss them. I do love Blogging and always have --but lately, I just haven't had enough time to visit others like I used to do. I'm gonna try to do better.

By the way, please add your blog to your Google+.... New people may not be able to get back to you if they click on your name (which takes you to Google+)... I'm on Google+--and have my blog name and posts on there....Also---can you please add an email option to your blog? About 75% of my followers are ones I get on email rather than looking at a reading list... I can get to the email people first. Thanks!

Extremely hot here also and SO SO SO DRY... We are so desperate for some rain. They say ???? that we may get some relief from the heat ---and some rain---on Thursday... Cannot wait.


LV said...

I understand what you are saying. In Texas we are burning up. Heat over a 100 several days with higher heat Dexedrine. No rain in sight.

Unknown said...

Oh my! We're heading home today from Wisconsin where it was 78˚ yesterday and almost 0% humidity. Not sure I'm ready to face the heat but here we come! Great pictures!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Ginny I have to disagree with you. I would always rather take winter than scorching heat.I do hope the temperatures moderate soon for you.

photowannabe said...

Yes, we are having a heat wave out here in California too.
Today will be 106F and by Thursday it will be 110F at our house.
I think I will go stay in a cave somewhere for the duration.

Hootin Anni said...

Oh yes....the heat has been relentless.
Stay cool. And keep those shades closed.

Gorgeous sunset images. You always have the most perfect sky shots.

Hootin Anni said...

PS....just read the comment you left for me and I wanted to come back and tell you we have TWO cats. Winston and Tahoe.

Reanaclaire said...

Over here it was El Nino one time.. cannot even go out for long in the scorching heat, nowadays it was much better, the weather is more cloudy and cooling... But I am amazed by your shots, the sun seems to be shying away. :)

Carla from The River said...

Great photos :-) We are having a heat wave too.
I will take the chill of Winter. ;-)
Love, Carla

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Yes. Our HVAC went out this week. Not fun. We have been getting estimates on a new one. Also not fun.

Tanya Breese said...

beautiful photos ginny and you sure get a feel of how hot it has been!

Nancy Chan said...

Stunning photos! Looks like the sky is ablaze! The heat wave has left us and we are having rain and cooler weather. No need of air-con to sleep.

Anonymous said...

Magnificent sunset pics. Our back deck has a view of sunsets. I heard on the news that GA had experienced 50 days of above 90 temperature. Like you say, anything is better than winter!

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...