I believe the amaryllis is at it's fullest bloom now. It was day number 7.
It is supposed to get other blooms, and last between 4 to 8 weeks.
“The amaryllis
teaches us that true beauty comes from within, radiating outward for all to
How I See God In My Everyday Life
I believe the amaryllis is at it's fullest bloom now. It was day number 7.
It is supposed to get other blooms, and last between 4 to 8 weeks.
“The amaryllis
teaches us that true beauty comes from within, radiating outward for all to
The Amaryllis is almost totally open!
“The amaryllis
teaches us patience as we wait for its graceful flower to unfold.”
Pulling into the Wal-Mart parking lot, I got a pretty surprise. The first blooming trees of spring!
The next day, I started seeing others around.
The amaryllis has started to bloom! It looks like it will be white!
“Plants are like
people: they’re all different and a little bit strange.” – John Kehoe
“A beautiful plant is
like having a friend around the house.” – Beth Ditto
It is a St. Patrick's Day fashion competition! The competitors are the Big Cat and the Big Cow! First up is the Big Cat.
Next up is the Big Cow. He has outdone himself by adding a rainbow and a pot of gold. So the competition is fierce!
Day 3 of the amaryllis. I am almost certain that it will be white. It looks just like it did in my last post.
“May you have all the
happiness and luck that life can hold — and at the end of your rainbows. May
you find a pot of gold.”
Irish Blessing
still and know that I am. Be still and know. Be still. Be." —St. Patrick
Here are some of the St. Patrick's Day things around town.
The Flags
It is encased in wax and never needs watering! I had never heard of this. Looks like it might be white?
"Ireland is a
land of poets and legends, of dreamers and rebels."
— Nora Roberts
This house is in the city of Charlottesville, about 1/2 hour away. I have always called it The Green Pipe House. I know nothing about it except that it is SO unusual! Since this is St. Patrick's Day weekend, what better time to show you?
I believe the amaryllis is at it's fullest bloom now. It was day number 7. It is supposed to get other blooms, and last between 4 to 8 ...