Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Day Like No Other

Why did I post pictures of a baby and potatoes today? Well, read on. I was sitting in the doctor’s waiting room last week, when I spotted a flyer on the wall with a picture of a watermelon on it. Upon closer reading, it said that August 3 was National Watermelon Day. It was an invitation to a local celebration. That poster should have been taken down several weeks ago. Nevertheless, my first reaction was rather cynical. Do you know that every single day now celebrates something? And a lot of days pay tribute to more than one thing. Take today, Sept 8. It’s a national day of prayer and remembrance for hurricane Katrina victims. It’s also “Star Trek Day” (It premiered 43 years ago in 1966), and “Use Humor In The Workplace Day”. I can think of some jobs where that wouldn’t go over very well. Like funeral director. As for my pictures, this month is both National Baby Safety Month, and National Potato Month. Every day and every month has at least one thing to celebrate. It’s hard to keep up with them. But the more I got to thinking about this, the more I changed my mind. Sure, it’s pretty silly. But in a way, isn’t this just what God wants us to do? The Psalms tell us to celebrate God’s abundant goodness. And the Bible also tells us to be thankful for and appreciate everything. So how about taking this thing, and tweaking it a bit? Wouldn’t it be great if we took one thing to appreciate and give thanks for every day? And if it just happens to be national watermelon day, then that’s what we can be thankful for. Or take it even further. Say if one day we were thankful that we had a car, we could maybe wash it. Or if we were thankful for all our clothes one day, we could clean out the closet and give outdated or ill fitting outfits to needy people or the Salvation Army. Giving thankful prayers is a wonderful way to please God and also lift our own spirits. And by the way, thanks for reading this!!


Unknown said...

Now don't get carried away; wash the car? My car gets washed whenever it rains ....

Unknown said...

Actually, I though this post was a wonderful idea. Where do you find out what we are to celebrate on any given day?

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