Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dreams Of Youth

Isaiah 62:5 “As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you.”
Today was an uplifting day. A day for youth and dreams. We spent the afternoon at the church, attending a wedding reception party for two of our younger people, Lynzy and D.J. Lynzy is so bubbly and full of life, joy, and enthusiasm. I just wanted to stand near her and breathe it in. Maybe some will rub off. Whenever I am at a wedding reception, I think of the most famous one ever, when Jesus turned water into wine. Really good wine, too. But here’s the part of the story that I love. Even though He was a grown man, He obeyed and respected His mother. He was not ready to start performing miracles yet, but his mom told Him they were out of wine. So, even though He was God on earth, He listened to her. Amazing. After the reception, we spent the rest of the day with our lovely family and had dinner with them. My granddaughter asked me to fix her hair, which I just love doing. What can make a day better than fixing a cute little girl’s hair? This can; she did not squirm and her scalp was covered with sparkles. This was the result of glitter hair spray from the previous day’s princess tea party. A day spent with youth is truly intoxicating to me. It’s invigorating, and yet it makes me feel my age. Ecc. 11:10 says this “Banish anxiety from your heart and cast off the troubles of your body, for youth and vigor are meaningless.” I like that thought.

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