Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Odd Couple

If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

Then it must be a duck. Actually, a Muscovy duck, very different from all others. First, the face...a mask of red bumps called carnucles. Muscovys are from South and Central America. This is the only domestic duck that is not derived from Mallard ancestors. They live for seven or eight years, but can live up to twenty! I am glad I spotted this couple to show you.

 “There is an odd set of people scattered through the provinces of your kingdom who don’t fit in. Their customs and ways are different from those of everybody else.”


Unknown said...

Love it! Such fun photos Ginny! Sometimes I feel like one of those odd ducks though over the years I've grown to accept it. :)

SquirrelQueen said...

Great shots of the Muscovy ducks Ginny. There is a mating pair at our local aviary and I love to watch them. Did you know they have claws on their feet?

Ann said...

What a pretty duck. I have to say though that all those red bumps around it's eye makes it look like it would hurt like heck

Anonymous said...

I haven't saw a duck like that, how unusual!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

So cool. I've never seen a Muscovy duck before. Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that first photos is awesome...what a beautiful shot of the eye. our muscovy are a little different than these,

Reanaclaire said...

Thanks for showing us this Muscovy duck! I also wouldn't know the name is except it is a duck....hahaha..

Shug said...

“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people…” 1 Peter 2:9

IDK...this scripture came to my mind when I saw the pictures...
Aren't they cute? Glad you were able to get some good photos of them. Enjoy a long weekend..

Ruth Kelly said...

Yes, it is a different duck from all the ones I have ever seen.

Patsy said...

That was very intersting, so a duck is not just a duck.LOL

Catherine said...

It is a blessing to see all that nature has to offer. Have a beautiful weekend. Catherine

From the Kitchen said...

I've only heard of them--actually on a website where one can order duck for the table!! They are beautiful.


Linda said...

How lovely, Ginny! Beautiful photos of an odd, but pretty couple!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

They give meaning to the phrase odd duck!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I don't think I've ever seen one of this kind of duck. They're very unusual. I'm glad you got these great shots to show us!

DeniseinVA said...

These are great Ginny, what interesting looking ducks they are. We happened on a couple a few days ago. We rarely get to see them but I couldn't get any close ups like this. Your photos show them beautifully!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I love the way you have written this post. Most interesting and the shots are great also

Ruth Hiebert said...

They are certainly unique looking.I have never seen one,except in pictures.

Rose said...

They certainly have a unique look. Are they wild or domesticated?

Anonymous said...

As you said it really looks like duck but some difference between them!

Roan said...

I'm glad you found them, too. Ineresting couple!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

They look similar to a duck that I saw in FL visiting my MIL when she was alive. Is that possible?...:)JP

Lady Jane said...

Ever hear of a strange duck? lol... Great ducks Ginny.

Roan said...

In answer to your question on mine, Fergus is a Border Collie. He is a busy dog. :)

Anni said...

...and they are 'silent' most of the not quack like ducks do.

LoVed this post Ginny. You should add your hyper link

to our bird photo sharing this weekend!! Other birders would love you adding your post, I know they would.

Happy holiday weekend!!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

What a pretty duck! Glad you spotted them too

Unknown said...

Interesting post. Boom, Bobbi and Gary.

Chatty Crone said...

I have always felt like I was an odd duck myself.

The Blue Light District

 A guessing game! Do you have any idea what and where this is? It is hard. So here is a little clue. The answer in my next post!