Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Change

Thank you all for commenting on my last post, when I showed you pictures like these!

And most of you guessed it! These are the pods growing on magnolia trees around here, this is one. Though we have several magnolias around here, I had never seen these before, and was rather stunned!

But wait! It gets even better! A week or so later, the pink pods had all turned into this, they had hardened and turned woody, and split open with these big red seeds!

Some of the older ones had gotten quite shriveled , like this one. So there you have it; the life cycle of magnolia pods!

                    “Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed…”
                        1 Corinthians


Catherine said...

Dear Ginny, That is fascinating. I have never seen a magnolia tree, though I am intrigued. I hear so many beautiful songs and stories, all referencing to this beautiful tree. The pod is quite beautiful too.
Blessings, Catherine

crafty cat corner said...

Quite beautiful, never seen these before.

Ann said...

Those are fascinating. I've never even seen a magnolia tree before.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

somewhere in my archives i have this documented but have no clue where... they are fascinating. i will be off for a few days. knee is out

Tamago said...

Wow! I wasn't familiar with magnolias unless they were blooming! Their big seeds look amazing!
Happy Friday and have a lovely weekend xoxo

DeniseinVA said...

Fantastic Ginny, I have never seen that stage of the pod before.

Rose said...

I have pics sort of in between these two stages...I don't know why I didn't realize what yesterday's pics were.

Hootin Anni said...

Somewhere around the house I have several dried magnolia pods.

I've never seen 'em with the red before tho, this was a special treat.

Dee said...

Fascinating. I love that we live in a day and age of technology and bloggers so we can see the intricate art of nature.

DawnTreader said...

I've never seen magnolias like that. And ours bloom in the spring!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That is so interesting!

The watermelon you asked about was such a deep green as to almost be black, and had absolutely no stripes! It was an odd one indeed.

EG CameraGirl said...

I wish this tree grew in my area!

Filip and Kristel said...

That's a very special flowers. Top pictures Ginny.


jp@A Green Ridge said...

Ahhhh...a magnolia!...:)JP

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I've never seen a tree like this! So interesting! And thanks for sharing it with us. I love your header photo. I'm guess you used the watercolor pencil in Photoscape? That is what I used for my photo you asked about in today's post. I love to play around with that one!
Have a nice weekend!

LV said...

There is a large one of these trees just down the street, but nothing ever looked like this. Interesting.

From the Kitchen said...

I wonder if they can be dried. Love the texture and color. I answered your question re cipollini on my blog since I figured other inquiring minds might want to know. Have a great weekend!


Small Kucing said... this is what the pink pillows. so pretty !

Mystery Flowers.

 I hope someone knows what these flowers are, because I don't have a clue! They are in the front yard of a house on the end of the block...