Thursday, December 25, 2014

My Secret is OUT!!!

We spent Christmas at the house of our son and his family. And I will finally tell you our secret. We now have THREE grandchildren!! This means that Anne Marie has two sisters. The babies were taken in as foster children, and now our kids are in the process of adopting them!  They are adorable and loving. I have not told you because we are not allowed to show ANY pictures of them until the adoption paperwork is finished (a Social Services rule). So I spent the day telling them to look AWAY from the camera!! SO, enjoy the pictures of our day with no faces of our new grandchildren.

     Here is Anne Marie, she is growing so fast! She is posing in her new gymnastics outfit.

Someone gave her a deck of real playing cards with her face on the backs!

Still not too old for piggy back rides! Phil's poor back!

Our son chowing down and enjoying the ruckus.

The Kitty Keyboard we gave them was a big hit. They all wanted it at once until Phil took it played "The Teddy Bears Picnic" on it!

                        And here I am getting a big hug and saying goodbye to Christmas 2014!

“These children are at the very center of life in the kingdom. Mark this: Unless you accept God’s kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you’ll never get in.” Then, gathering the children up in his arms, he laid his hands of blessing on them.”

Mark 10


S. Etole said...

What a very special time for your family. Grandchildren are such a gift. Blessings for the New Year.

DeniseinVA said...

How absolutely fantastic Ginny, thank you so much for sharing this wonderful news and awesome photographs.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Well what a better Christmas present could you have had that 2 more adorable grandchildren. Hope you had a great Christmas with all the family.

Ann said...

How wonderful and exciting. Congratulations to your growing family :)

EG CameraGirl said...

What a fabulous secret! Congratulations, Grandma!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Congratulations! that is so exciting. Really happy that you will be adding to your family :-) I have a few friends that have adopted through social services and had good experiences.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh how precious! Those little ones will be growing up in a family of loving,caring people.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Not gift could be better than 2 new babies for Christmas unless it is 2 new grand babies for Christmas.. congratulations to all of you and to those new babies for finding a loving home...

Hootin Anni said...

Clapping hands and a joyful smile wiped across my face as I read your 'secret'. How awesome.

This is the best post I've read today Ginny, and I'm sure none else can compare.

George said...

What a wonderful Christmas!

LV said...

A perfect way to spend a perfect day with loved ones. How wonderful of your son to do this. So many adorable children starving for love and care.

From the Kitchen said...

What joyful news!! I can't wait to see more of them and learn their names.


Tamago said...

Wow, congratulations on your new grandchildren! What a fantastic news! I enjoyed their no-face photos :-) Can't wait to read more about them! Anne Marie is getting more beautiful each time I see her photo. She must be very excited to have sisters. Have a wonderful day xoxo

Shug said...

Oh Ginny.....this is wonderful news..I know your Celebration time was so exciting....

Filip and Kristel said...

That's a nice party. Merry Christmas to you all.


Linda said...

Beautiful photos, Ginny, and you have such a lovely smile. :)

Nancy Chan said...

A very wonderful and beautiful secret you are sharing with us. Congratulations to you and family for two additional grandchildren. You have a very beautiful family. So nice of you to share this beautiful moment with us.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I wondered and wondered about those 'new' grandchildren when I saw you picture on FB... I was going to write you an email and be nosy....

BUT--now I know!!! I'm so happy for you and Phil and you son and DIL--and all three girls. Hope it all works out... All of the girls are just GORGEOUS. I'm SO happy for all of you.

AND--Mrs. Hartzler, you look AWESOME... Congrats on the weight loss.


Karin said...

Congratulations and God bless your whole family! What times of joy!

Vanessa Morgan said...

What a lovely family. Looks like you spent lots of quality time with them. I like that Christmas tree as well. So colorful.

Lady Jane said...

What a gift! God has brought 2 more blessings into your lives and you into theirs. I look forward to pics of smiling faces.

Reanaclaire said...

I am so touched!! You and your family are really doing something's good, God loves little children such as this and the kingdom of heaven belongs to them...
God bless You and your family!

Bobbie said...

Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!!! Ginny I am so happy for your family. They look adorable and Anne Marie is growing so tall! She has turned out to be such a beautiful young lady. What a special family you have!! Love Phil and Anne Marie picture! And seeing you - you look great!!! Congratulations to you all... and a late Merry Christmas to you and Phil.

Marie said...

So happy for you all!!! Those two little girls are so lucky to have you all as family now. :)
Merry Christmas!

Shug said...

I so enjoy seeing all of the wonderful smiles on peoples faces...your family is precious and I know that your hearts are filled with much joy in having the kids. Blessings.

Linda said...

How exciting!!! I HATE having to keep a secret!! I remember when Amber was pregnant with the quads and I COULD NOT tell anyone that she was having MULTIPLES!!!! Everyone knew she was pregnant - but I couldn't SAY 'quads!'

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