Do you have any memories of going to a Drive-In?
“Nobody remembers what happened yesterday. And the things
that will happen tomorrow? Nobody’ll remember them either.”
Ecclesiastes 1
I have always loved the scent of lavender. And I have just found two new lavender items! Starbucks Lavender Vanilla coffee, and Clorox lave...
Yes, I do!!! Those were the good old days, weren't they???
Dear Ginny, I certainly do have many happy memories of my mom and dad taking me to the local drive-in theater. My mom would pack goodies and it was fun for all. xo Catherine
I do have some memories of drive-ins but not as much as some other people may have, because my parents didn't own a car. I do remember going with friends, though, whose parents had cars. Those were the days.
I have only been to 1 of these movies while in Canada. We don't have them here.
Dear Ginny, I have not been to a drive-in movie before because we do not have it over here. But I have been to open air movie show where we sat on the grass, newspaper or plastic. Its only temporary for a special function.
How fun!!!
More power to 'em. Wish others would follow suit.
Oh, this reminded me of my childhood days father used to take us to a children's park to watch those black and white movies in the park... oh well, those were the good old days!
OlderSon often takes the family to the local drive-in. But the sound comes out of the car radio now, not those speakers that hang on the window.
many many many happy hours at the drive in, in KY in Savannah GA and here in Bradenton... when i was 9 mother and her sister took me to the drive in to see Rear Window, the old one and it scared me silly. when i was 25 I went with my husband while mother kept the kids to see Play Misty for Me and that one scared me to... those were the days before Television. we have one here that shows only family movies and on Sunday they have church there.
Oh, what a good story! Love hearing things like this.
There is a drive-in movie still open in Roosevelt, Utah. My family has been to it. That is quite something to see them restored- the one in Salt Lake is now used for selling junk.
How fantastic drive-in fans got together and re-opened the theater! I think it's great to preserve something like this. I've never been to drive-in theaters. If I visit Lexington, Viriginia, I have to check it out :-)
We had so much fun back then at the drive-in. Two or three cars parked together. Jumping in and out of cars, eating, laughing and kissing. Sometimes we even watch the movies. Life was great.
Very cool! I do have drive in theatre memories - my parents took me to see Herbie Goes Bananas. :-)
So neat.....We had a drive in not far from the town we lived in. Sam and I saw many good movies there... "Gone With the Wind" being one! Lots of fun!!
have a great weekend.
That's so cool they reopened the drive in. Nice to be able to preserver a piece of the past.
I remember going as a kid. We would put our pajamas on, grab our pillows and hop in the car.
You know I remember them and i am trying to think if we have any left here - I was thinking we did.
We have never done such a drive-in movie.
I have never been to one. Would love the experience. What a neat looking place and love that they chose Mission Impossible for their first one.
I've never been to a drive in! I'd like to experience it. :)
This verse is good to remember when we feel hesitant to try something in fear that people might judge us for it and mark us forever. Nothing's permanent in this world really.
I grew up in Manhattan so no drive in for me. I wish I had had the opportunity to go to one. It seems like fun. Why did they go out of style?
Blessings, Joanne
Many! We got to wear pajamas when we were young and then when we had kids THEY got to wear pajamas. Then we moved to Arizona and found out VERY fast that it was just too danged hot in the summertime (110 at night) to take in that joyful experience. So my kids never had the pleasure. I think they still should have them open though. What am I saying. With all the tech stuff we have, those kids will be lucky if they see the inside of a movie theatre.
What a great story, Ginny! We still have a drive-in here in my town of East Gwillimbury!
I remember one that was close to our home when we first moved to Florida. :)
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