Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Abominable Snowman Visits The Baby Jesus

There were not many manger scenes last Christmas, I saw only a handful. Here are a few of them. I will start with the strangest manger scene I have ever seen! See way up high on the roof? It is the manger scene with The Abominable Snowman and Rudolph visiting. No wise men, just the Snowman and Rudolph!! Definitely weird!! The last two are of the more ordinary kind.

“Then the star appeared again, the same star they had seen in the eastern skies. It led them on until it hovered over the place of the child. They could hardly contain themselves: They were in the right place! They had arrived at the right time!
They entered the house and saw the child in the arms of Mary, his mother. Overcome, they kneeled and worshiped him. Then they opened their luggage and presented gifts: gold, frankincense, myrrh.
Matthew 2


DeniseinVA said...

I always love to see Nativity Scenes on display. We have several in our neighborhood.

Nancy Chan said...

Ginny, it is weird having snowman and santa claus at nativity scene. I prefer the ordinary ones..especially the 3rd one which is lighted up..probably if the last one is lighted up too then it will be beautiful.

Reanaclaire said...

Beautiful, Ginny!! They really took the trouble to beautify it...

Ann said...

There are always lots of nativity scenes set up around here every year for Christmas. I keep meaning to go out and get pictures but never get around to it.
That first one is by far the strangest one I've ever seen

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Interesting that you did not find as many Nativity scenes this year, I wonderful why. I enjoyed seeing these. On Sunday you asked about Brading Marsh. If you looked at the video you will see how big it is and the public are allowed in to it only on one part of it but you have to walk over muddy fields but there are some small pathways into forest areas and on paths like I showed in the Ratty Robin video.

From the Kitchen said...

We have quite a few Nativity scenes alongside snowmen and penguins and candy canes. One even had a lighted dalmatian!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love 3 and 4.. 3 is my favorite. we only saw 3 nativities this year and all else were blow up of dinosaurs and pigs and all kinds of Santas..

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I guess the abominable snowman goes anywhere?

Patsy said...

People are disrespectful, and have no idea what Christ's life means.

George said...

I must admit that the first manger you showed was the most unusual I've ever seen. I, too, think I'll stick with the traditional scenes.

Tanya Breese said...

i am kind of laughing at that nativity scene with the snowman and rudolph...it is a bit odd!

Linda said...

I have always loved Nativity scenes...and your header is magnificent, Ginny. :)

Tamago said...

The first one sure is weird but funny and cute :-) Love that big snowman!

Rose said...

Definitely strange...but maybe it is teaching that we all should worship Him!

Ruth Hiebert said...

It is refreshing to see that some people still remember what the real meaning of Christmas is.

Unknown said...

Isn't it wonderful to think that one day every knee will bow and every tongue will profess that He is Lord - whether they acknowledged him here on this planet or not!

Shug said...

Well......a little different seeing the big snowman at the manger scene. I love what Chris had to say....EVERY knee will Bow and every tongue WILL confess that HE is Lord.

Marie said...

I didn't get any pics of our neighbor's Christmas decorations this year. Thanks for sharing. :)

Cranberry Morning said...

I like the third one. And Patsy is right, people have no respect and haven't even the most basic of Bible knowledge, even as literature.

Small Kucing said...

guess they wanna include everything in the display. LOL.

Catherine said...

I think that snowman is quite scary looking!!
xoxo Catherine

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