Saturday, April 25, 2015

Burning Up The Yard?

                    What is going on here?        

                                   Anne Marie is in our front yard with a magnifying glass.

Her dad has just this minute taught her how to set things on fire with a magnifying glass and the sun. Can you see the smoke coming from the wood?

                     Quick as a wink, she had burned about five holes into this wood chip.

Back in the house, she is showing her little sister what a magnifying glass is. What a good big sister!

“I saw something like a sea made of glass, the glass all shot through with fire.
Revelation 15


Linda said...

Very cool, Ginny. :)

Nancy Chan said...

Anne Marie is putting into practical what her dad has taught her and that's a very good way to learn. Ginny, at first I really thought there was a bon fire in your

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hope it islonly the grass she burns!

Ann said...

a fun experiment. there's always something interesting going on at your place :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

OH WOW... you know who will be trying this out next... hope we have sunshine today... i love photo number 3 of her braids. so pretty and she looks so focused in the other photos. now we all know to pack a maginifying glass in our back pack when we hike in the woods, for just in case we need a fire. i wonder if it would light a match. will let you know.

From the Kitchen said...

Anne Marie is darling--and becoming a great big sister. I don't know about Sandra (Mad Snapper) though. I hate to see where her experimenting will go. =)


Shammickite said...

Uhoh.... she's turning into a firebug!

Anonymous said...

Anne Marie is beautiful and she is a wonderful big sister. Fun to watch children learn new things. Have a great day, Ginny.

Patsy said...

It is fun to watch a child learn. She is so smart.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I remember my sons doing that when they were little.... Cute pictures. I love seeing the big sister talking and teaching the little sister. NEAT.


Anni said...

I remember doing this when a youngster too!!!

Their both dolls!!!

Lady Jane said...

A great involved dad. So much fun to learn new things as a kid. And you never know when something may come in handy.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

That is a neat experiment. I'd forgotten about this one. Cute photos!

Cranberry Morning said...

That's so much fun. I remember our kids burning up woodticks that way. Good thing they never started forest fires!

Ruth Hiebert said...

It is so fun to see young children make new discoveries.

DeniseinVA said...

I remember doing this when I was a little girl. So much fun and educational too. You have very sweet grandchildren Ginny.

DeniseinVA said...

That is such a neat header photo! :)

Filip and Kristel said...

I am surprised it left some burning traces. It shows how dangerous glass and inflamable material could be.


Kovács Miklós said...

It's a very funny physical experiment in our childhood. Lovely photos.

Ceil said...

Hi Ginny! There's something so lovely about sharing knowledge, and then seeing the excitement in the eyes of the student. Your little one is so excited to learn about a magnifying glass and it's interesting uses!
And then she passes it on...something we all should be doing. Love it!
Monday blessings,

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

It's a rite of passage. I remember fondly when my Dad taught me (mostly because he burnt a little hole in my grandparents' carpet - he didn't think it would work through a sun beam).

Dee said...

I love those pictures and I remember doing the same thing when I was a kid.

Have a wonderful week... :)

Karen said...

Good for Dad! Kids like practical learning experiences so much more than just toys.

Linda said...

Hi dear Ginny,

In response to your question on my blog about the drink I posted, Milo is similar to Nestle is a powdered chocolate mixture. :)

EG CameraGirl said...

Yep, a very nice big sister!

Joy said...

What a fun and learning activity!


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...