Saturday, April 11, 2015

No Blood

Several days ago, I heard there was to be a Blood Moon. The moon was to turn blood red for five minutes! So, we sat in the car for HOURS in a dark parking lot looking at the moon. Then we found out it was NOT for our area! And while we were waiting for the blood moon, we missed the space station, which was flying overhead at the same time! SO, here is the result of our fiasco. Pretty, but NO BLOOD!

“I’ll set wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth below, Blood and fire and billowing smoke, the sun turning black and the moon blood-red, Before the Day of the Lord arrives, the Day tremendous and marvelous; And whoever calls out for help to me, God, will be saved.”

Acts 2


Linda said...


These are amazing photos!!!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry but I sure enjoy these pics. They are incredible.

Gail said...

Absolutely wonderful.

I, so far, have not succeeded in capturing the moon so beautifully.
Size of lens?

Gail said...

Absolutely wonderful.

I, so far, have not succeeded in capturing the moon so beautifully.
Size of lens?

Joy said...

I haven't seen it too, but good to see your moon pictures. Really awesome. And thanks for the precious word of God!

Catherine said...

Dear Ginny, I hope you are feeling well.
I apologize for not visiting. My brother had cardiac arrest last week.
Please keep him in your prayers. I will be very grateful.
Blessings, Catherine xo

Ann said...

what a bummer but you still got some amazing shot. You always manage to get the best pictures of the moon. I love the ones with the tree branches in front of it

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love the second shot with the tree limbs in it. i have never sat in my car waiting for anything in my whole life.. except when at the drive in watching a movie many moons ago... you and Phil have lots of patience..

Unknown said...

It may not have been a blood moon but you captured some beautiful images. I hope you two behaved while waiting for that moon :)

Joan said...

What a great pictures!

Nancy Chan said...

Fantastic pictures of the moon, everyone of them.

DawnTreader said...

From your header I draw that conclusion that the moon is actually made of cheese (as some old tales claim...)

What Karen Sees said...

Hi Ginny, of course I remember you....somehow we just lost track. I have to say, I struggle with being a consistent blogger. Life just has a habit of getting in the way. But I always come back. I just wish I had more time!!! This photos are absolutely stunning. You have captured such great detail! Hope you and your family are well.

Filip and Kristel said...

What a perfect moon pictures. Love it Ginny.


crafty cat corner said...

Greata photos Ginny, I love the trees one's.

Patsy said...

Great photo's of the moon, been hearing a lot about the blood moon this year.

photowannabe said...

So lovely Ginny. Your camera captures the moon...blood , or well.

Shug said...

Very pretty Ginny....and I really enjoyed the background that you chose to go with this post.... We saw the Blood Moon for a short period of was beautiful..

Rose said...

It may be a fiasco to you, but it is a beautiful I would have been proud of!

Small Kucing said...

no blood but you have got some amazing photos :)

DeniseinVA said...

You got gorgeous photos of the moon though Ginny. Really impressive shots.

DeniseinVA said...

Makes a fantastic header also :)

Tanya Breese said...

aw man! wonderful photos though!!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

You got some great shots for your waiting, tho. You and your camera do a wonderful job!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Sorry it didn't play out, but your moon pictures are still gorgeous!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Beautiful moon but no blood on it! Still pretty, amazing

Bobbie said...

Blood or no blood, you still got beautiful pictures! Ginny, your moon pictures are always awesome!!

Tamago said...

Oh no! I'm sorry you waited for blood moon for so long and it wasn't for your area. But those photos sure are beautiful! I especially love the second beautiful!
Thank you for your comment. I'm all right. I'm actually taking vacation :-)

Marie said...

Ginny! you always have the best moon pics!

Mary Bergfeld said...

No, Ginny, but several of the people who read my blog are and I am just passing on wisdom learned from our move last year. It was a busy one. We sold a house, bought a condo and I had two coreneal transplants. Were that not enough, I had another retinal detachment in January.No rest
for the wicked :-) How are your eyes doing?


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...