Saturday, July 18, 2015

Bad News

This is Phil after the doctor did a biopsy on his lower eyelid. We got the results yesterday, and he has stage ll melanoma. They will likely have to remove his lower eyelid and reconstruct it with skin from his neck. But first they need to check and see if it has spread anywhere. I WILL return to blogging, but we need to get through this first.  Getting old is definitely NOT for sissies!

I believe he will have a team consisting of: a head surgeon, a dermatologist, an oncologist, and an eye doctor. We go to the big University Hospital on Tuesday, and then we will know the plan. I love and miss all of you, you are the BEST!!


Ann said...

Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear this. Thoughts, prayers and hugs for both of you.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Praying hard, as my friend Madeline says, storming heaven with prayers for both of you. so sorry and i love you sister.

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you and Phil, Ginny. I'm very sorry and I'm sending my love.

Joan said...

Wish you both all the best,greetings,Joan

From the Kitchen said...

Ginny and Phil: I'm so sorry that your medical journey continues. I so hope it will not be a difficult one and there will be a good outcome.


Tamago said...

I'm so sorry to hear this, Ginny. I hope it hasn't spread, and hope you both get through this challenging time.
Continued prayers for you and Phil. Sending love...Tamago

Nancy Chan said...

Ginny, I am so sorry about the bad news and that Phil has to go through more operation. I pray that there is no spreading at all and reconstructive op will be done successfully and very soon he will be on the road to full recovery. May God's strength be with you and Phil as you go through this together. May God grant you both health, peace and may His protection be with you, especially Phil at this time.

EG CameraGirl said...

OH NO! I wish you and Phil all the best, Ginny!

Melanie said...

Was just thinking about you yesterday. Thank you for the update, though I'm sorry it's bad news. I pray all will go well and you'll both get a break! *hugs*♥

Patsy said...

Been praying for both of you.Our friend Franks wife had the same and they
did a beautiful job of fixing the lower lid. Hang in there ,God loves you.

LV said...

Poor fellow. At times, life is hard to understand. Truly pray whatever they do works and he improves quickly. Many blessings and well wishes.

Chatty Crone said...

Having had cancer and been old - I know what you are going though - well sort of - and you are right - growing old is not for sissies. This just breaks my heart - I can imagine yours sweet Ginny. I will be praying for sure - I am going to put him on my prayer list right now. It will be a long road - but try to take one day at a time and look for the good things every single day! Hugs,

S. Etole said...

Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Cancer is not a word we want to hear at any time. I pray that God will give you and Phil moment by moment peace as you move forward on this journey

Linda said...

Ginny, this is not good at all. :( I will keep you both in my prayers.

Jean Tuthill said...

I am so sorry to hear this, Ginny. I am hoping for good results and saying a prayer for you both.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I'm sorry to hear about Phil's melanoma. I pray that it hasn't spread and his recovery will be smooth.
Praying for you both and sending hugs,

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Ginny I am so sorry to hear this news about Phil however hopefully ot is comfined to this areaand has not spead any further. take care adn all the best for Tuesday.

Rose said...

I am so sorry to hear prayers are with you.

Filip and Kristel said...

Wish you all the best and we are thinking of you.


Dee said...

Ginny, i was just catching up on how my blogger friends are doing before I write on my blog after a long absence because of illness. I am so sorry to read about your husband...I am adding Him to my prayer list...Praying and believing all will be well. Take care. Dee

DeniseinVA said...

I was thinking of you and hubby Ginny. I was so sorry to hear this latest health problem. You are in my prayers and I am sending the biggest hug for you both.

Marie said...

I'm so sorry to hear this awful news, Ginny! I'll be keeping you and Phil in my thoughts and prayers. I haven't been online for a few weeks, I found out about Phil's condition from Sandra sending me this post.
hugs to you both,

Small Kucing said...

Am so sorry to hear this. Phil have to go through more operations. Stay strong Ginny. Hugs.

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Ginny, I am so sorry that Phil (and you) have to go through such a thing as this. I will be keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.

Dee said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Phil. I'll say a prayer right now. Big hugs.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I am sure it is a small grace knowing what has been wrong with Phil. You all are in my prayers. The Comforter is with you both. Have a good weekend!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh I missed this update! Sorry to hear this. You have both been through so much this summer. Wishing Phil much healing.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Sorry to hear the sad news. I have had cancer and found myself just having the mass removed. As for the lymph stuff I opted for help from an alternative health group at cancer.tutor and health food changes. Our body is equiped to heal itself but we must noy let fear misguide us. Odd as this my sound check out how castor oil stimulates Tcells. If there is no allergy to it it can be applied to the area. And taking time to eat the Budwig diet for some time may help the body as well. You can combine alternative with invasive medical procedures. There are choices but important is to get sress and fear out of this for that makes the system weaker.i pray fot the best outcome for you no matter what.

Unknown said...

i am catching up after my extended absence. My Prayers are with Phil, you and Phil's medical team.

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