Friday, July 24, 2015

Weekend Update

Time for me to let you know what has been going on. Phil now has a team of doctors at a big University Hospital. They are scanning and doing biopsies to find out if the melanoma has spread. Then a surgeon will remove Phil's lower eyelid, and anywhere else the cancer may have spread.

About a week later, a plastic surgeon will operate again. She will make him a new lower eyelid by taking skin from the top of an upper eyelid, and from underneath the other eyelid. She will create the new lid, attach it, and sew his eye closed for a month.

No one has ever heard of such a thing, so we have no one to talk to about it. We feel like we are in a bad science fiction movie. We will be spending a lot of time in the hospital with tests and surgeries. I STILL plan on returning to posting when things settle down! Thank you all so much for your comments, prayers, and sticking by me!!


Cheryl @ TFD said...

Ginny, I'm so sorry you and Phil have to go through all this, but it sounds like the team of doctors are doing all they can. I will continue to pray for you both and that Phil's cancer was contained and removed.
Hugs, Cheryl

Hootin Anni said... two have been thru so much. The surgeons and doctors have been god sends....they're continually working with Phil to remove all the cancer and keep him with you, and get his health back. I pray for you both.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update, Ginny. I am praying for you both. Sending our love.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

WOW! What a procedure but isn't it wonderful that you have a skilled surgeon who is willing and ableto do this extensive work on Phil's eye. Hope all the tests come back negetive and the cancer has not spread any further.

Nancy Chan said...

Ginny, so thoughtful of you to update us about Phil's condition. Praise God that there is a team of doctors and specialist there to do what is necessary to bring about full recovery for Phil. We know they are taking good care of Phil and most of all, God is watching over Phil. We will pray for Phil and you. Shalom.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have been waiting to here these details and i agree on the bad movie... this is beyond my understanding and totally mind blowing. I do not know what to say, just know we are praying and that we care very much...

Filip and Kristel said...

Wish you all the best. We are thinking of you.


Ann said...

Thanks for the update Ginny. I've been wondering how things have been going. I can't even imagine this kind of surgery. I'm sure it's a bit scary to say the least. You both are still in my prayers and I'm thinking of you often.

Tamago said...

Eyelid surgery sounds scary. I'm sure doctors know what they are doing and take the best care of Phil. But it's really a lot to handle for both of you. Continued prayers for you and Phil... I hope everything will be OK. Please take good care of yourself. Love, Tamago

From the Kitchen said...

This sounds like a pioneering surgery! I'm so glad that Phil is in an area where he can be given this type of care. Prayers for both of you as his treatment moves forward.


Marie said...

thank you for keeping us posted, Ginny. I'm so glad you found a doctor to help Phil! Both of you are in my thoughts and prayers.
hugs to you,

Melanie said...

Will continue to pray. Thank you for keeping us posted!! Many hugs to you, my friend! :-)♥

Rose said...

Ginny, I pray for you both daily. I watch daily to see if you have posted any updates.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Praying for you as this whole scene unfolds. God has it all under control,even when it doesn't feel like it.

Gail said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Chatty Crone said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you too - and I have never heard of anything like that - I am so glad that you found a TEAM of great doctors - God is good. Keep us updated.

LV said...

My heart goes out to you during this terrible time. I have heard of cancer in my forms, but never on your eye lid. Unbelievable what they are going to do. May the good Lord put his arms around you both and give you strength to get thorough this ordeal.

Linda said...

Ginny, you have been a dear friend to me and have stuck by me for a few years now, and I appreciate your friendship and will always stick by you. Thanks so much for sharing this update, and I will continue prayers for you both. God is in control, and He is watching over you. Sending you much love and warm hugs.

Scott S. said...

Oh my gosh Ginny, I am so, so sorry to hear all of this. You have had one thing after another. I wish I was close enough to bring you dinner. I will continue to pray that soon all of this will be in the past. Take care my friend.

Carla from The River said...

Sending prayers dear friend!
Carla and family
xx oo

Small Kucing said...

so sorry to hear this.

Praying for Phill surgery to be successful and speedy recovery to him

Terra said...

That is some complicated surgery and I am sure the team of doctors are experts. I pray that God's hands will guide them and your dh will heal fully.

Ruth Kelly said...

Sending prayers for you both.

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hello Ginny,

I am extremely sorry to read this post.

My prayers are with Phil and you.

Anonymous said...

Ginny, I am praying earnestly for Phil, you and the doctors. With love, Mildred

Lady Jane said...

Love to you both. Praying hard.

DeniseinVA said...

Just checking in with you Ginny. You are in my prayers, in my heart and very much in my thoughts.

photowannabe said...

Thanks for the update Ginny.
You and your Hubby are definitely being added to my Bible Study Prayer list.
Prayers and hugs.

Ceil said...

Hi Ginny! I'm just back from blog-break and I can't believe this... I am so sorry for your troubles with your husband's diagnosis and your feeling of being all alone. It sure looks like you are not alone in friendship, as I see all the comments. I pray that your surgeon and medical advisors will be top-notch and that you and Phil will look back on this someday and praise God for His love.

You'll be in my prayers,

Shammickite said...

Oh my goodness, this all sounds really horrible. I have not been blogging for a while as I was away, so now I will have to retrace my steps and read your earlier posts. I'm sending healing vibes to you.....

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I hope that all is going well with Phil's surgeries and healing. Keeping you both in my prayers!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Both of you and your loved ones and friends are in my prayers. I hope your day will be a nice one!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to get the update. You are having more than your share of problems.
That adorable granddaughter is growing so fast.
I am praying for both you and Phil. It is in God's hands.
Jean from Memphis.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...