Wednesday, August 19, 2015

August 19 Update

    Hello dear friends! It has been awhile, so time for an update on us. We have just returned from the doctor, and he said I have the flu. This is why all the medicines the last two weeks have not helped me. Normally, he would just let it run it's course. But we are travelling back and forth to North Carolina for Phil's pre-surgery appointments. So he gave me lots of drugs to make me feel well enough for the trips and surgeries.

   The surgeries will be at two different hospitals, Duke and U.N.C. on Chapel Hill. We are driving there this Friday for the team of plastic surgeons to map his face, and may get a date at that time. It took a long time to find a large team of doctors experienced enough to to this procedure. But they are all in place now.

   I so much hope to return to blogging after the surgeries, and I think they must be very close now. You have been so faithful with your prayers and comments. I have the best followers in the world! I will be keeping you informed, and hope to return maybe sometime next month!


From the Kitchen said...

I think I can speak for all of us in saying we wish you safe travel and a good plan going forward. You both will remain in our thoughts and prayers.


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Yes Ginny, Bonnie is correct. we will be thinking and praying for both of you.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we will all keep praying until this is past and then pray some more. i do hope the meds they gave you will help you quickly. so sorry you are sick with flu when Phil needs you so badly.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

MANY Prayers for you and Phil... Love you both!!! God Bless.


Unknown said...

I'm glad there's been progress made and you are getting closer to having this behind you. Please remember that if you need a place to stay, I live in Raleigh, just 25 minutes to Duke and UNC. You can email me. My email is on the blog. I'm serious!!

LV said...

You are a very special blogger and so sorry you and family are going through such a terrible time. Maintain you faith and hang in.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Thanks, Ginny, for the update. I will be praying for you both!
Love and hugs,

Hootin Anni said...

Hang in there, feel better quickly, get some rest....I know those are all difficult commands [wishes], but we are all feeling and hoping for the best outcome [for you AND Phil] dear Ginny!!!!

DeniseinVA said...

More prayers heading your way for you and Phil Ginnie. And a huge hug dear friend. Love, Denise xxx

Ann Thompson said...

oh no, not the flu too. I will keep the prayers coming for both you and Phil. You are on my daily list. Hugs to you and Phil both.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Continuing to pray for both you and Phil. I know this must be a scary and hard time,at best.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh good grief! How could you have gotten the flu on top of everything else?! That's just awful. I hope you feel better soon. And of course, may Phil have smooth surgeries and speedy healing!

Rose said...

Ginny, I am still so sorry that you guys have to go through this. I like that you keep us informed. I will continue to pray for you both...I hope you can get over this flu soon!

Jeanne said...

Will continue praying for you two! Take care and hope you can rest a lot before surgery so you get over the flu!

Linda said...

Praying for both of you, Ginny. Love and hugs, be safe.

Chatty Crone said...

The flu! I hate that. Well you got some medicine and I hope it makes you feel better. You are going to some great hospitals with some great doctors. Makes a big difference. Good luck to Phil and I will pray for you both.

Nancy Chan said...

So good to hear from you. Yes, I too had flu, lasted more than 2 weeks! It was terrible! Good to hear that the doctors are all in place and most important you are well enough to travel and be with Phil. We wish you both safe journey and smooth and successful surgery for Phil.

photowannabe said...

Continued prayers for your healing and for Phil's surgery.
I'm glad to find out that you have gotten such a great team of surgeons and Drs.
God will be with you every step of the way.

DawnTreader said...

I hope the drugs you got will help and that you'll be able to keep your strength up and be as supportive to Phil as possible.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...