Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Our Trip To Duke University

For a couple of geezers, we made a pretty fast trip! We drove to North Carolina and back all in one day. The surgeon appointment at Duke University was discouraging and frightening. He said the surgery would be “terrible”, but he has done thousands. We have some very hard decisions to make as well. Ones like checking for lymph node spread. The doctor said that at this point, it would not be much help, and twenty percent of the biopsies are wrong anyway. I am still in shock over this. Each time we see a new doctor, there is something else unexpected to consider. I will get used to this, but I will never get over it. We have a plan, and are praying and waiting to see if God has a different one. We are exhausted, and I am taking a sleeping pill and sleeping through the morning! Thank you all so much for your comments and prayers.God is always GOOD! 


Terra said...

Sleep well and bring renewed strength to your days ahead and important decisions to make.

Linda said...

Ginny, your header is gorgeous! Take good care of yourself, my cherished friend, you are in my thoughts and prayers often! Love and hugs.

Small Kucing said...

The silver lining would be the surgeon had done thousand of them . So he should be very expert on how to get it right. Have faith.

Am not sure if over there you have Chicken Essence. Maybe get some to drink. It would gives you energy that you needed. Else go for Ginseng tea. Good for health and energy.

Gail said...

My prayers and thoughts are with you both.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Ginny My heart goes out to both of you. God will guide you and give you His peace. We are all in HIS hands. He said, 'Do not fear'

Filip and Kristel said...

Good luck and try to find the best doctor.


Joan said...

Living far away but thinking about you..wishing you all the best.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so happy to read here you had a safe trip there and back and so very sad at the news from the doctors. Praying for you to make the right decisions.

Tamago said...

That sounds scary...I hope the surgeon meant "terrible" as the very worst case scenario and just wanted you to be prepared. Such a hard time you and Phil are going through. Sending my prayers to you both. Please take care xoxo

From the Kitchen said...

Dear ones, I'm so sorry that you still don't have a good answer--one that gives you comfort. I pray for strength and courage for both of you. Keep us updated as you can.


Nancy Chan said...

Hi Ginny, some doctors are very straightforward but as Small Kuching said, there is good news that he has done thousands of them. Anyway what you need most is to get enough rest and sleep so that your mind will be clearer to make better decisions. Will be keeping you both in prayer. Remember that God knows and holds you both in His hands.

Rose said...

I am sorry the doctor's words were discouraging. It is good that he has done so many of them. And doctors don't always know what lies ahead.

My brother had a brain tumor in 2004...they gave him 6 months to a year to live.
When he seen a follow up doctor, and that doctor said, Oh we are going to try to get you more than that.

That was over 11 years ago and he is still going strong. Raises a huge garden, cuts wood, goes name it, he can do it if he wants. And that doctor calls him a miracle.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Be encouraged my friend,that in all of this God is still on the Throne.I know this is a very difficult time for both you and Phil as well as the rest of your family.Praying for daily,indeed,moment by moment strength for all of you.

Anonymous said...

Glad to get your update, even if it might not have been what we wanted.
I am praying for Phil, you and the doctors.
God is in control and we turn it all over to him.
Much love from your Tennessee reader.

Marie said...

happy for the safe and quick trip. I know this is a challenging time for you both. please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
hugs & love,

Ann Thompson said...

I'm so sorry that the appointment brought discouraging news. All that traveling in one day is tiring enough but with all the rest you are dealing with it's got to be completely exhausting. Sleep well and hang in there. Sending prayers and hugs

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I am sorry the news wasn't better, Ginny. It is good, tho, that the doctor has had a lot of experience in this type of surgery. I pray that you will get the rest you need and that the best decisions for Phil will be made in the days ahead. And remember your friends are thinking of you and praying for you both and, of course, the Lord is with you every step of the way.
Love and hugs,

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Thanks for this update. You are being prayed for. The Comforter is exactly that. God will take care of you both and your family and frieda, too. I hope you have a wonderful Fri. and an equally nice weekend!

Unknown said...

Ginny, you are such a good example for so many. Praying for you and Phil, for your decisions and your peace.

Jeanne said...

Praying for you two as you go through these days of decision making and appointments. Yes God is always Good and will see you through this!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I hope that you got some good rest, and that you and Phil find peach with your decision. Praying for you both!

Shammickite said...

I think you should put your faith in what the doctors tell you.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...