Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Surgeries Are Done!

Phil's surgeries are finally done! The cancer had almost reached his eyeball by the time of the surgery. They cut his whole lower lid off, plus a big part of his face. They made a new eyelid, and sewed his eye shut. Then they cut his face almost in half, and pulled it up and over. There must be over 200 stitches. But his face stitches will be taken out on Tuesday! Your face heals very fast! His eye will remain sewed shut for over a month while the new lid forms.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and cards!!  It means a lot! Now, I am treating and cleaning his face several times a day. I will know when the time is right to return, probably after my nursing duties are over. See you soon!


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That must have been quite a surgery. How long did it take? Wishing him speedy healing!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I can tell that Phil is getting the best possible care from you. That is by far more important than blogging,but thanks for giving this update. I will keep on praying.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I am so glad it is all over and it is all looking great. Praise The Lord for the skill of these wonderful surgeons. Phil's face is looking great now so keep up the good clean nursing care. Thanks for the up date Ginny. May God bless you both.

Nancy Chan said...

Hi Ginny, so good to hear that the surgery is finally over and thank God for the surgeons and also for you being there to care for him and nurse him. You are both in God's love and good care!

Filip and Kristel said...

We wish Phil all the best and a lot of courage.


Ann said...

What a relief to finally have the surgery over with. It's just amazing to me the things that they can do. My prayers are still with you both.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my face hurts and my heart hurts when i look at those stitches.. God bless both of you and heal Phil quickly. he has the best nurse in town...

From the Kitchen said...

I'm so glad the surgery is over and the healing is in progress. Sending Phil and his nurse healing wishes and prayers.


Tamago said...

I am so glad the surgery is over! What a relief...he is gonna only get better :-) I wish a very quick recovery for him!!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Whew what a surgery! It looks painful but I saw where you said it wasn't. So thankful it's over.....praying for a good recovery

LV said...

I have been around a long time, and this is the first seeing such a horrible thing. The good Lord definitely had his hand in this for you both to endure and face the options. It breaks my heart seeing what terrible things life throws at us.

Melanie said...

I'm so glad the surgeries are over, and I pray he will heal without any problems. Take care, sweet friend. ♥

Rose said...

Glad that much is over with...hope he heals quickly. I will continue to keep you two in my prayers.

Lady Jane said...

God Bless you both. Poor Phil. He is very brave. My hubby is very brave too. You are forever in my prayers.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Ginny! I am so glad to read the surgeries are over! I pray that Phil recovers nicely and I know he will with you taking such wonderful care of him. Thanks for updating us and take good care of yourselves!
Hugs, Cheryl

Chatty Crone said...

Wow Ginny and Phil - God be with you!

Linda said...

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, Ginny and Phil.

Unknown said...

Wow, I know this has been such a difficult time for both of you. So glad the surgery is behind you. Praying for a really speedy recovery. You are both so brave!
I'm sure you didn't want to leave him Ginny but if you come down to have stitches removed and need a place for both of you to stay, PLEASE let me know. Or maybe we could even just meet you for lunch somewhere... If there's anything we could do to help, please let me know!

Dee said...

The surgeries sounded so complicated, but God is good. I'm so glad that Phil pulled through wonderfully and with you as his nurse, he's in the best hands. God bless you both and Big Hugs.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Glad Phil's surgery was successful. You are doing a wonderful job nursing your beloved hubby and I know he appreciates it. Be encouraged. You both are in my prayers. Have a good day tomorrow!

Small Kucing said...

Goosh Ginny. It look quite bad. But am so glad that he is healing well.

Anonymous said...

My prayers will continue for Phil and you. What an ordeal you both have gone through.

Carolann xo

Hootin Anni said...

I've been off the computer for almost two weeks and just now getting around to paying visits with bloggers.

My goodness, what you two have gone through the last few months, it's incredible. But, survival is definitely the big part here. Hope and pray that the healing process is a success and improvement shows soon.

Take it easy. BOTH of you.

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