Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Latest News From Here

   Hi everyone! Can you tell which one in this picture is Phil? Ha ha ha! With Halloween coming up, you just never know! A blogger just e-mailed me and reminded me that I had not posted an update in  awhile, so here goes!
   Phil has been doing well, and I am medicating his eye four times a day. Here is the big news. Thursday, we go back to North Carolina to have his eye cut open!! Then we will see how his face and eye will look, and I will post a picture. Also, our two granddaughter's adoption has finally gone through, so I will be posting pictures of them. I hope to return to posting and visiting very soon, as soon as things are back to normal!! See you soon!


Ruth Hiebert said...

I do hope that they eye has healed well.Great news to hear that the adoption is finally through.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What a fun picture. So happy to hear things are going well :-)

Ann said...

Glad to hear Phil is doing well. Wishing him all the best when you return to North Carolina.
Hooray for the adoption going through.

Linda said...

Love the photo, Ginny, and so nice to see your post. Sending you many hugs and much love! :)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Yes I alsowas thinking the other day thatwe had not had an up date in a while so it is lovely to seePhil. Hope all goes well when you return to N. Caarline

From the Kitchen said...

All good news!! Can't wait to see photos of the little girls and Phil!! Safe travel.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

congratulaitons to your son and his wife on the adoption and so happy to hear his eye is going to be opened. i love the cat woman and the pirate header. so cute, both of them... happy dance when i saw you pop up in my feedly

Tamago said...

I'm glad Phil is doing well. He looks wonderful! Have a safe trip to North Carolina and I hope everything will go well.
And congratulations that the adoption went through! I'm looking forward to seeing photos of your granddaughters!

Jeanne said...

I was glad to see your update and continue to pray for you two. Congratulations on the adoption! I have also been blessed with a granddaughter through adoption this year. I haven't been posting lately but still love reading blogs.

Rose said...

I am sure you will be glad to have this next step done. So good to hear from you. You guys are still in my prayers. Can't wait to see pics of your granddaughters.

Nancy Chan said...

Hello Ginny, so happy to hear from you and for the updates. Congratulations on the adoption! Looking forward to receive more good updates on Phil. Remembering Phil and you in prayer.

Hootin Anni said...

I do hope and pray when you both return home from N. C....that all will be well and your hubby will be on the road to a full recovery. Love the eye patch...perfect for Halloween.

And GREAT happy news of your g-daughters' adoption.

Chatty Crone said...

All wonderful news Ginny - be careful and write when you get back.

Filip and Kristel said...

Hope for the best. Brave to pose like a pirate.


DawnTreader said...

Oh, good news about your granddaughters! :) And I hope all goes well with the removing of the stitches etc for Phil - even if he looks rather good as a pirate too!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

It's so good to hear that Phil is doing well! I hope all goes well this week with the eye opening procedure. And congratulations on the new granddaughters! How exciting!
Take care, my friend, and have a safe trip back home.
Hugs, Cheryl

Lady Jane said...

So good to hear from you Ginny. You guys are in my daily prayers. Will be thinking of Phil on Thursday. Great news on your granddaughters and looking forward to you being back. Love, LJ

Small Kucing said...

You sure had me surprised at the header photo. Phil with the two teeth :)

Pirate Phil. can be a costume for halloween party


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