Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sunday Update

We got back from Chapel Hill late on Thursday. The weather for the trip was beautiful, as it has been for all our trips there. The doctor cut Phil's eye open, and here is the outcome. The eye had been sewn shot for five weeks. He had about 13 injections in the area, so there is still a lot of swelling. But it will get better with each day. I think that it will look nearly normal in no time. Soon, he will be going back to work and things will return to normal. See you soon!

"Give thanks to God—he is good and his love never quits." 

1 Chronicles

Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Latest News From Here

   Hi everyone! Can you tell which one in this picture is Phil? Ha ha ha! With Halloween coming up, you just never know! A blogger just e-mailed me and reminded me that I had not posted an update in  awhile, so here goes!
   Phil has been doing well, and I am medicating his eye four times a day. Here is the big news. Thursday, we go back to North Carolina to have his eye cut open!! Then we will see how his face and eye will look, and I will post a picture. Also, our two granddaughter's adoption has finally gone through, so I will be posting pictures of them. I hope to return to posting and visiting very soon, as soon as things are back to normal!! See you soon!

Mystery Flowers.

 I hope someone knows what these flowers are, because I don't have a clue! They are in the front yard of a house on the end of the block...