Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sunday Update

We got back from Chapel Hill late on Thursday. The weather for the trip was beautiful, as it has been for all our trips there. The doctor cut Phil's eye open, and here is the outcome. The eye had been sewn shot for five weeks. He had about 13 injections in the area, so there is still a lot of swelling. But it will get better with each day. I think that it will look nearly normal in no time. Soon, he will be going back to work and things will return to normal. See you soon!

"Give thanks to God—he is good and his love never quits." 

1 Chronicles


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

It looks painful. I hope it doesn't hurt too bad. How is his vision right now? I'm glad it went well and will keep healing!

Scott S. said...

Wow, so glad to hear he's progressing Ginny! I know this has been a tough road but it sounds like brighter days are ahead. Praying for continued healing. Take care!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thank you Lord, this is wonderful news..

Ruth Hiebert said...

Praise God for His healing touch.

Anonymous said...

It looks painful for me to look at it. Prayers for him to get well soon. Happy to hear that he is getting well day by day...

Joan said...

It looks some better than another picture ,but still looks bad ,but hope it gets better everyday.Take care ,Joan

Ann said...

That is great news but I have to say if looks are any indication, that has to be quite the painful experience for him.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Praise the Lord Phil is though all the surgery now adn his eye is looking great.

From the Kitchen said...

Good news! Thanks for keeping us informed. So glad that things are "looking" up!!


Tamago said...

Thank you for the update. I'm glad Phil is healing...and will be able to go back to work soon!

Nancy Chan said...

It has been tough for Phil and you too. But now healing is in progress. Thank God, the worst is over. I am sure Phil is looking forward to start his work.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

So good he is having such good results, eyes are so precious! It looks painful but better than having cancer.....pray he will continue his healing and get back to work lol

Chatty Crone said...

I praise God that Phil has done so well and he is HOME! Thank you GOD!

Linda said...

Praise God for this news! Sending you both a hug and much love.

Rose said...

So glad for the good news...I hope things continue to go well.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Great news, Ginny! Phil's eye doesn't look bad at all, considering all he's had done. I pray that he heals up quickly and soon will be back to his regular schedule. Take care of yourselves!

Linda said...

Awesome post!!! Praise God!!

Small Kucing said...

am so glad to hear that the eye had healed well. How swelling ill be gone soon

Tanya Breese said...

oh my goodness it looks so painful but so happy to hear he is on the road to recovery! hugs and prayers!!

Filip and Kristel said...

Wish you a speedy recovery. Good that the situation is improving. All the best.


Shug said...

Hi Ginny... My prayers have sure been with your sweetie. I know that each day will bring more and more healing... Prayers continue.

Dee said...

I'm so glad that Phil is recovering nicely. Thank the Lord... :)

Small Kucing said...

Hi Ginny. It has been a week. How are you and Phil. Hope Phill is getting better.

Marie said...

I think of you two often and pray for you both! you have both been through so much, obviously God is with you because we can all see the strength and love he has provided you.
hugs & love,

Lady Jane said...

Great news Ginny!!! Thank you Lord for pulling you both through such an ordeal. I hope you can settle down to a bit of a normal life now. Love to you both and you are continually in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, LJ

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Good update. I have been praying for your both. Glad you both are better. Have a tremendously nice weekend! Enjoy what is left of Fall colors.

Small Kucing said...

Hi Ginny. Dropping by to say hello. Hope Phil is recovering well

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Ginny, can we get an update? I hope you all had a nice thanksgiving!

Small Kucing said...

Hi Ginny. How are you? Hope you and Phill are fine over there.

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