Saturday, December 26, 2015

December Update

Hi everyone! It has been a long time, and I have been remiss in updating you. Some of you I keep in touch with on Facebook. So here is the news.

Phil is looking better, though the doctor says it will take a year from the surgery till everything is totally healed. He had three more small surgeries on his face last week. They told us that he must be very strong to have gone through this.

I have been quite ill, with a trip to the E.R. recently. I am on new drugs now and doing better. I will have an endoscopy next month

The adoption of our two new grandchildren has been finalized, so I can finally show you pictures! They are two and four. And Anne Marie has grown so much. She is like a second mom to them. I still plan on returning to blogging perhaps next month when things are more settled down. Thank you all so much for your continued friendship and patience. And now, here are the grandchildren and us from Halloween and Christmas!


From the Kitchen said...

I have missed you so much!! The girls are absolutely adorable. Can't believe how much Anne Marie has grown. So glad to hear that Phil is continuing to improve and I hope you find out what you need to feel better. I look forward to your return to blogging when you feel the time is right.


Linda said...

Thanks for the update and lovely photos, dear Ginny! I have missed you as well. God bless you, and I am happy to hear that Phil is improving.

Ann said...

What sweet little girls. So adorable and Anne Marie looks so grown up. I'm so glad to hear that Phil is doing well.
Looking forward to your return to blogging. I miss seeing you here. I don't do much facebook

crafty cat corner said...

Hi Ginny
Have been watching out for your next post and here it is.
So glad that Phil is on the mend, possibly the stress has made you a bit low but I know that both of you can get through anything with all the love you have.
If you fancy a game of scrabble feel free to start one up.
The girls look beautiful and so happy.
I want 2016 to be a good year for you both, you deserve it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

My heart is happy to see you here once again.. Everyone of you looks happy and full of joy and we cannot tell all that you have been through. the grandchildren are beautiful and oh so precious. our TV is talking while i write and she just said there are more than 144 million children around the world waiting for a forever home.. God bless your family for the three you have loved into your family... I pray for you a happy new year with many blessings and NO MORE HEALTH ISSUES.

Nancy Chan said...

Hello Ginny, it is so good to hear from you. I miss you too. So good to hear that Phil is doing well. I pray all will be well with you too. Both of you have gone through so much. All your grand children are beautiful and it is good to see all your happy faces. Blessed Sunday!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Your new granddaughters are adorable. Phil is looking really good.Now to get you back to good health and all will be well.Hope the new year brings you many unexpected blessings.

Gail said...

Wishing you great health and much love in the coming new year.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I am so happy to see your update! You have been missed! Phil looks great after all his surgeries and I'm so glad that he is doing well. I pray that you can get the help you need to get back to good health, too. Your granddaughters are beautiful and they look so happy. I can't believe how Anne Marie has grown! Take care and we'll see you back here soon. Love and hugs, Cheryl

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, So thankful to see an update here from you. I pray that you and Phil will continue to improve. Your grandchildren are absolutely adorable. Precious pictures. May God richly bless each of you in this new year.

DawnTreader said...

So glad for you that Phil's surgery was successful, and I wish you the best of luck with your own medical problems too. The girls are charming, I understand you're happy to be able to show them off now! :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

So glad the adoptions were finally finalized.. Gorgeous children --and they (and you) are SO blessed to have joined this wonderful family.

Phil looks amazing considering all that he has been through... God Bless all of those doctors...

And you, my dear, look GREAT also --considering your health problems and for all that you went through with Phil.

I pray constantly for both of you --and the family. Hope 2016 is a marvelous year... God Bless You ALL.


LV said...

I check weekly to see if you had a report. How I missed this one, not sure. So good to see you both and that your poor husband is still doing so well. He must have a lot of inner strength and faith going all he has. I trust whatever your issue turns out to be it will be nothing major. Seems I notice more pain and grief around the holidays. The little ones are adorable.You both hang in and it will get better.

Marie said...

you all look wonderful! your grandchildren are all so beautiful! hope your holidays are great!!

Patsy said...

Happy to see this up date, looking good.

Chatty Crone said...

Thank you for the update. I have missed you. Glad Phil is doing better - and wow he must be a strong man. And you - I hate to hear you are sick. And congrats on all your beautiful granddaughters. God is good - Happy New Year!

Tamago said...

Glad to see the update! Phil looks wonderful. He must be really strong indeed, and you are strong, too, to have been such a great support for him. Your new grandchildren are so adorable. And Anne Marie has grown very tall and beautiful! Looks like you had fun time for Halloween and Christmas :-) Wish you all a very happy new year to come xoxo

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

How super that all events are heading into a positive direction at this time!
Brave courageous and determined for the best outcome are for sure are part of you all!
Thanks for sharing your journey and I hope for continued goodness for you.

Jeanne said...

So good to get your update! Glad to hear that things are improving steadily. Hope you're new medicine will help you feel better. Love your pictures of your precious grandchildren!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I have been praying for you all. What a blessing for you both to have the new Grandkids! Beautiful family. Have a good week and I believe all will be well soon for you both!

photowannabe said...

So happy to see the amazing progress with your Sweet Phil.
How wonderful that the adoption has finally become official. What a lovely family you now have. Being Grandparents is the best.

Small Kucing said...

Missed you, Ginny

Sorry that you were not well. Am glad both of you are recovering well.

Congratulations on the new members of your family. They are so cute. What a blessing to have them.

Shug said...

Hi Ginny.....Hope this post finds you and Phil doing much much better..... Congratulations on the new additions to your family....I'm thrilled for all of you. I've missed so much by being away from my blog...and I'm having to do a lot of catching up to see what all has been going on with my blogging friends. Look forward to when we all can be back to our daily posting....take care my friend...

Dee said...

Happy New Year! I was so glad to see that you posted and your grandchildren are all just beautiful. Congrats. I'm also so happy to find out that Phil is doing better... Hugs.

Tanya Breese said...

a wonderful update although i am sorry you were sick for a bit...all the best in 2016 to you and phil!

Joanne said...

Your Grandchildren are beautiful! what a blessing to have two more to hug and love!!!!
Blessings, Joanne

Bobbie said...

Oh my goodness! Ann Marie has grown!! Her and Marissa > they both look like teenagers! Your grand-girls are absolutely precious, Ginny! And Phil looks great! I hope you are feeling better.

Lady Jane said...

So glad for the update. Annemarie has grown so much. Love the grands, so cute. Hope your new meds work well and Phil is looking good. I start a new line of pills after my next colonoscopy. I am hoping for the best. My hubby is doing better. God grant us all a healthy year. Hugs, LJ

Linda said...

You are all looking SO good!!!! It just does my heart good to see these photos of you and Phil! Hope you both are feeling better and that 2016 will be a much HEALTHIER year!!

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Ginny, I was thinking of you this morning, have thought of you a lot over the last few months, and decided to pop in today just in case. I was delighted to see this post, to hear about your sweet hubby and yourself, and your darling grandchildren. It also gives me the opportunity to tell you that you have been in my thoughts and I wish you all A Very Happy and Healthy New Year. Hugs, Denise x

Ordinary J said...

Just want to drop by to see how you are doing. I read that you had been ill, and hopefully you are now doing well with your recovery:)

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

So glad to see yall are doing ok. Congrats with the adoptions! I am real slow at blogging too, nothing much to say it seems for me. I will get back to it also.

Small Kucing said...

Dropping by to say Hi. Hope you and Phil are ok

DeniseinVA said...

Hello, back again just to say hi. Hope all is going well :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Just thought i would drop a note letting you know I pray for you both and your family. Have a fine day today! : )

Hootin Anni said...

You and your family have been on my mind and in my thoughts....

Wishing you well. And hope to see you return to blogging. You're missed.

Reanaclaire said...

So touched by this post...May God Bless you and your family, Ginny!! Keep us updated... Take care!!

Anonymous said...

Hi there Ginny, I just want you to be encouraged. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Linda (Wildlifewatcher)

Anonymous said...

In my opinion you are mistaken. Write to me in PM, we will talk.

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