Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Golfing Man

Look out, it's Golfing Man! This topiary is in the yard of a house that sits right beside our golf course. I took these pictures a few years ago. But if you look at my header, you will see the picture I took this week. Golfing Man has gotten quite fat and unkempt. I believe the older people in the house can no longer keep him trim. He may even be turning into a regular bush! So without these pictures, no one would know that once, he was a fine golfer. Farewell, Golfer.

“My teaching, let it fall like a gentle rain, my words arrive like morning dew, like a sprinkling rain on new grass, like spring showers on the garden.”

Deuteronomy 32


Hootin Anni said...

Cool...even the today's photo of your header, it's cool!! How creative.

DeniseinVA said...

The topiary golfer is impressive and great shots Ginny. In the neighborhood we used to have large rabbit and squirrel topiaries at a house. They stood at each end of the front garden. I smiled every time I went by them as they would be decorated appropriately as each season changed. One day I saw a moving van and well, with the new owners the topiaries got trimmed back and all that is left now are two large bushes. I was sad to see them go. Thank you for stopping by and leaving your lovely comments. I heartily agree on the last one :)

DeniseinVA said...

Almost forgot to answer your question. I didn't go inside this time. Will do that on our next visit.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow he has gained almost as much weight at ME... and i am sure it takes a lot of work to keep a bush trimmed like that. i actually prefer the fat man best.

From the Kitchen said...

I've always wanted to do something like this with our bushes. Now we don't have bushes!! Maybe I'll do one in a potted bush--or not!!


Tamago said...

What a cute golfing man! Oh yes, I see he's gotten very fat! I wonder if he has his ribbon changed regularly :-)

Nancy Chan said...

The fine looking golfing man has put on weight! Lol!

Gail said...

I wish I were that talented. Topiary fascinates me.

Yes, our springs are the main source for drinking and every thing else we need water for. It is sweet, cold and crystal clear.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That would take constant work to keep him looking trim and good.Great to have the before and after pictures.

Ann said...

Very cool. Even though he's put on some weight I see he still is swinging that golf club

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Glad to see I have a bit of catch-up to do with your blog. Hooray! That topiary is stunning! Would be fine here where I live as there are golf courses all over the place. Ha! Have an extra-good weekend!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Oh I was gonna say that is so neat looking but would take a lot of work to keep him trim. So if he is a bush now, at least you have the pics

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Very clever and well spotted

Reanaclaire said...

Nice one, Ginny! Someone got to do some landscaping or trimming on the golfer man later on, just to keep up with the shape... hahahaa...

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh that is super cute!

Unknown said...

Ha! Everything and everyone needs care, don't they? This is such a good example!

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...