Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Baby Swans

We went to the duck pond to see if the baby swans (Cygnets) had hatched. We were a little late this year, as the babies were about half grown!

When swans are first born, they do not have long necks. Their necks get longer very slowly as they grow. This baby was doing some exercise! He was the only one not following mom everywhere. He wanted to do his own thing.

These fish were swimming below, and eating up all the food!

 “Your neck is carved ivory, curved and slender.” 
Song Of Solomon 7


Nancy Chan said...

The little baby swan is just like little kids, wanting to explore and do their own things.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

This Swan with her cygnets are adorable

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

It's been ages since I had the opportunity to see any swans. Thanks for sharing .

Ann said...

even at half grown they are adorable. The one off on his own made me laugh with that leg sticking up out of the water

Hootin Anni said...

..........but SO SWEET!! Y'know I really enjoy anything pertaining to birds.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What little cuties!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love this, i have never seen baby swans, and have only seen in real life, 2 swans, both black and at Jungle Gardens... that is a lot of fish... those babies are just precious....

Reanaclaire said...

So lovely this swan family.. I would enjoy just looking at them... and the fishes, the colorful ones are Koi, if I am not mistaken... very nice pictures as usual, Ginny!

Tamago said...

Awww they are so adorable! Love the photo of the baby doing exercise. What a cutie :-) The photo of fishes is so beautiful. Very colorful. It looks like a beautiful art!

LV said...

Such a cute sight-mother swan and her babies.

DeniseinVA said...

Wonderful post Ginny, love the photos. Those cygnets are so cute!!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful pictures.Those babies look especially soft.

Unknown said...

Such lovely pictures you captured Ginny! I love the white against the beautiful green water!

Gail said...

Amazing. So very beautiful...the swan and the fish.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, So very beautiful graceful and gentle. I love Swans and Koi, too! Have a great coming week!

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...