Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Hit And Run

Monday evening, a big SUV came from behind us and crashed into the front of our car. Then the tires squealed and he took off. I was likely thrown against the door. I was banged up for a few days, but we are both fine now. The thing that makes me the maddest is that he took off at high speed. Friends have said he was probably drunk. Looks like our car is probably totaled now. See for yourself.

We are so blessed that we were not badly hurt! The next day, we voted. This will be a voting year we will long remember!

Then I saw the whole picture: The slippery road you’ve put them on, with a final crash in a ditch of delusions. In the blink of an eye, disaster! A blind curve in the dark, and—nightmare!”

Psalm 73


Carla from The River said...

Hello Ginny,
Oh my, I am sending you prayers and a hug.
I do know what you feel. I was in a hit and run accident from behind. I ended up going forward. Thankful I did not hit the steering wheel. The driver also drove off.

Sending you a big hug!

Ruth Hiebert said...

A car can be replaced, but you and Phil cannot be replaced.So thankful that you didn't suffer serious harm.

From the Kitchen said...

The important thing is that you and Phil are o.k.!! I do hope the police can find your assailant!


Linda said...

I'm so sorry about your car but I'm grateful you and Phil are not badly injured!
God is good!

Reanaclaire said...

Oh dear..what an incident to remember.. Yes, Thank God both of you are protected by our good Lord...

Karen said...

That is especially upsetting that he just sped away! I'm glad you are feeling better now.

Unknown said...

Wow, that is crazy! So happy you're both okay!

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my oh my.....holy cow!!
The car can be replaced [tho I know how you feel about the damage!]....but your well being and health are much more important!!!

You're both in my heart and prayers that this accident will not show any more health issues in the future!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so sorry this happened and so happy you are ok. hope your insurance will fix your car up soon. we found we did not have rental car insurance but we had a second car to drive. so very happy you are both OK now...

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I'm so sorry this happened, but so happy you both were not seriously hurt! So glad you are feeling okay now!

Tamago said...

Oh gosh, how horrible! I'm so sorry that happened to you. Glad you didn't get hurt badly and you are okay now.

Tanya Breese said...

oh my goodness, i am glad you are ok but i hate that this happened to you..that makes me so mad that he just drove off like that...karma will get him..sweet picture of the 2 of you on voting day!

Ruth Kelly said...

I am glad you were not hurt. We have a lot of rude people running around not wanting to take responsibility for their actions. Yes, I agree this will be an election we won't forget.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh Ginny, I am so sorry you had this to deal with but very happy you are okay. Speedy healing for those bumps and bruises. Bad enough that you were hit but a hit and run, so despicable!

Ann said...

Oh no. I'm glad you weren't hurt but how frustrating to have the other driver take off. I think you're friend was probably right, either drunk or maybe driving without a license.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Ginny, that's so terrible. I hope they catch him! I'm glad you all were okay.

LV said...

Sad, but it happens every day. Blessed you were not hurt badly. Really scary. You both look so good. Your hubby endured and came out smiling.

Gail said...

I am so glad you are okay.

Nancy Chan said...

Thank God that both you and Phil are protected from serious injury. The car can be repaired but good thing you both are okay.

Rose said...

I do think you were blessed not to be hurt any worse...but what a way to get shaken up.

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