Sunday, October 4, 2009

Coincidence? I Think Not

So sorry for posting more great blue heron pictures! And not detailed ones at that. But I just couldn’t help myself! I won’t post any more, and I promise a new and completely different post for tomorrow. But this weekend we saw another heron!! You need to know the reason for all my excitement. Phil and I have been birdwatchers for at least thirty years. And I don’t think we’ve ever seen one of these birds before. And now two, in two successive weekends. Coincidence? I think not. What’s the meaning of this? I’m always looking for the meaning in things. How about you? I believe that God still communicates with us today in many ways. They can be small ways, but that’s because He wants us to stay sharp and listen. It keeps life exciting. Any ideas on our heron? You can buy great blue heron statues for your front yard, but I guess that would be too crass. I’d likely get run out of the neighborhood. This heron was at a different pond, so I don’t know if it’s the same one from last weekend or not. And we were pretty far away, so I had to use both digital and optical zoom. And I don’t have a big fancy camera. God did use birds as messengers in the bible. He told Elijah to hide in a ravine, where He sent ravens in the morning and evening to feed him milk and bread. And of course The Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove when He was baptized. Storks and herons are both mentioned in the bible, where God tells us not to eat them. The Bible also tells us that storks are incredibly stupid. That’s right! Read the details with amazement in Job: 39:13,18. Among other things, it says that the stork has no good sense because God didn’t give it any wisdom. The female does not care for her eggs and she mistreats her babies. Good grief! Isn’t it strange that some of the most majestic looking creatures are stupid. I guess even with birds, you can’t judge by looks alone. And this would be the end of my Great Fall Heron Adventure.

1 comment:

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i don't read in Job very much, and have never read chapter 39. I just did and found a lot of info there I never saw before. thanks for that. no thoughts right now on the meaning of the heron

Yet Another Mystery

 To all of you who identified my mystery flowers; thank you so much! Hellebore is a new flower for me! And now I have another mystery. It is...