Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Day Through My Eyes

Here are some of my images from today. I am not posting anything dark or scary. That dog inside the house door; it's a real dog and was, in fact, pretty scary. The twins are our friends, Caleb and Connor Knight. Caleb is wearing his grandfather's uniform. I told him that he looks like a french revolutionary. Why you are not seeing my grandaughter is a post for tomorrow. Halloween is really all Saints Day, and started out as a Christian holiday to honor the saints. It's really too bad that it became so dark and bloody. More on that in a few days, as well. This Halloween, we had one of the worst scares of our life. And I'm not talking about a Halloween type trick, this was the real thing. It makes for a spooky story, which I will tell you all on tomorrow's post. Chilling, indeed.
"The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it." John 1:5


MadSnapper n Beau said...

now i can't wait for the chilling story. I hate waiting.
that is some fat princess. great shots from the day

Unknown said...

Ginny, I thought Halloween was the day before All Saints Day ... ergo, Hallow "eve", like Chistmas Eve.


Today is National Squirrel Appreciation Day! Do you have many squirrels around? We do, and they are amusing to watch. Over 200 species exist...