Does your head hurt? Do your ankles ache? Do your bunions burn and is your stomach sour? Do you always feel as if you're coming down with something? Then have I got the Christmas Tree for you!! Take a good look at this Christmas tree. Can you tell what it's decorated with? It's a first aid tree. That's right, this tree is decorated with hypodermic needles, medicine cups, and band aid dispensers. I thought it was so hilarious that I just had to snap a picture! The red rectangles are band aid dispensers. Actually, not a bad idea, I may pick up one to keep in my purse. This little tree is in our local pharmacy. It sits atop the drug pick up countertop. So if you're feeling sick at the holidays, you can look at it, and either get depressed and sicker, or have a good chuckle. "On the twelfth day of christmas my true love gave to me: one inhaler and an aspirin in a pear tree..."
"When the men of that place recognized Jesus, they sent word to all the surrounding country. People brought all their sick to Him and begged him to let the sick just touch the edge of His cloak, and all who touched him were healed." Matthew 14:35