Saturday, November 14, 2009

Juggling A Life

I'll tell you this story if I may

We were driving down the road today

When what to my wondering eyes should appear

But a juggling man who came quite near

How could such an odd thing possibly be?

Well, this man was drowning, as you will see

Today we were turning off of a busy highway onto another busy one. And this juggling man was on the off ramp. Why was he doing this? Well, you see, he was juggling for his life. He was down and out. His life had hit bottom, so he juggled. One of the many needy people in the shadows who remain unseen, unless they can think of a way to make people look. "Hey, you there, here I am! I'm the person that some of you could be and perhaps one day will be. That's why you don't want to look." But this resourceful man had found a way to make us look. And look hard. When he saw us slow down, he came over to the car, his eyes filled with expectancy. He needed dental work badly, but that's hard to come by with no insurance. As my husband pressed a bill into his hand, I wanted to ask him how he came to this, if he had a family, if he had a warm place to stay. But this all happened in the blink of an eye. Immediatly, the unrelenting traffic took us far, far away from Mr. Juggler, and whatever hopes and dreams he had. In the cocoon of our red Mazda, we were speeding far away from this man's world. As I looked back, there was nothing to be seen except bright balls of hope bobbing up and down in the air.

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion...2nd Cor. 9:7


SquirrelQueen said...

He had a very novel way to attract attention, he really looks like he could use the money. It does make you wonder how they came to this point in their lives.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Very interesting and great photo of Mr juggler. we have hundreds of men and women and children that are homeless in our county. the homeless flock to Florida because of our mild temps. bless you for giving to him.

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