Sunday, January 31, 2010

No Snow For Haiti

These pictures show two of my friends in Haiti. Joe Arbaugh on the right, with his brother James. And my friend Karen, sitting at the table. Karen had to get a shot of cortisone in her hip before she left, and she took her cane, just in case. The other two pictures show the big snowstorm we had last night. Sunday School and church were cancelled, and schools are closed on this Monday. The snow is beautiful. It covers everything. It is white and cleansing. No snow for Haiti.

It is too cold and snowy to go out.
My friends are battling heat and humidity in Haiti.
I ate a frozen pizza for dinner, and burned my mouth.
I thought of my freinds in Haiti, eating rice and gravy.
I took aspirin because my back hurt.
I thought of the ones with broken backs and legs in Haiti.
I don't like having to get up early tomorrow.
My hair looks awful and needs cut badly.
Life is all about perspective, isn't it?

"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,
I was a stranger and you invited me in.
I needed clothes and you clothed me,
I was sick and you looked after me..."
Matthew 25:35


MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is one of my favorite scriptures. you are so right, I said the same thing to bob, as i complained about having only ONE car right now and how aggravating it is, I thought of the Haitians with NO car, no food, no water. we complain about small things, like they are out of the cereal we want, or a brand we want and they have nothing. they give them a 50 pound bag of rice and say it will feed their family for 2 weeks. i can't even imagine that. I was raised dirt poor in the south, but never ever went hungry or did not have shelter over my head.
i like that little shed with the chair in the snow. does a troll live there?

Stephanie V said...

Prosperity is indeed relative. I feel rich very day but I suppose some would not think of my frugal life in that way. When disaster strikes, we are always brought up short with how much we truly have.

Please email me(on my Profile) about the rugs.

George said...

Although I like your snow pictures, I especially like the way you put things in perspective. Haiti certainly makes my 'problems' seem as trivial as they truly are.

storyteller said...

The contrasts you draw give us pause to think ... thank you. I've enjoyed catching up with your blog posts in my reader this afternoon. Thanks for making them available in their entirety in your feeds. Congratulations on your blog award ... I love all the colorful photos of the Botanical Gardens ... the adorable photos of your grandchildren ... and thanks for all the insights you've shared here and for your regular visits to my blogs.
Hugs and blessings,

SquirrelQueen said...

Great snow pictures Ginny, I too really like the little shed with the chair.

It does put things in perspective to see how some people in other places live. What has, and is, happening is Haiti really brings home how lucky we are. When we go to Mexico there are some places there where we really see it up close. But one thing I have noticed is the people in those areas still remember how to smile and be thankful for the little they do have.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great post, Ginny... We always need to put things in perspective... We gripe when it snows and we can't get out. We need to quit griping and get on our knees and pray for the people in Haiti--who are in much worse shape than we are.

When I feel sorry for myself, I need to always remember that there are many folks out there MUCH worse off than I am...

Great post!!!

A Small Reprieve Amid The Ice

 Well, won't believe it. Tomorrow, on the very day my stress test is scheduled, we are to have a big sleet and ice storm! So ...