Friday, May 13, 2011

Of Doctors, Cars, and Tastycakes

"The time has come", the walrus said,
To talk of many things:
Of doctors, cars, and Tastycakes
Of cabbages and kings
And why the day was not so great
and whether pigs have wings."

I got the feeling today might go a bit askew when I was making the bed and a spider was on the bedspread. I am terrified of them. So you can only imagine me running around the house naked trying to find a way to quickly kill it without getting near it. That over, I went to my doctor for a check up. There I found out that I am pre-diabetic and I likely have some kind of rare genetic disorder that is turining my bones, ligaments, and tendons to mush. Don't know what the disorder may be, because we don't have a name to look up, and such is the state of genetic testing and insurance...blah bla blah. I left the office with a 30 page printout to read, and found out our car was dead again. We put in a call to son and daughter-in-law to rescue us. Daughter in law Melissa stopped in the middle of making jam and was there with jumper cables and our granddaughter in five minutes. Do we have a great daughter-in-law or what? Son arrived shortly thereafter, having missed all the fun. Word to the wise: not good to put your cell on vibrate. Back home, and after photographing me with my five pound diabetes printout, I finally decided it was time for some serious sugar. No irony here! How about it, is this a one cupcake day, or the whole box? I am actually fine because I am not diabetic YET, we have a wonderful family, and the car is back home waiting on our good mechanic. All things in perspective. And let's just totally forget that today was Friday The 13th.

"I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength."
Philippians 4


Regina said...

Oh gee (lol)..well that's really not good news Ginny! Be careful..The body is like a ball an chain sometimes! What did your doctor think that could be..what did he say?
Love both the quotes!! I can't believe how beautiful your header is! Well, yes you do, I'm glad they came to your rescue and got you going like that.. have a restful evening- (don't let the bed bugs bite)

Reanaclaire said...

wow..what a day you have Ginny! first a spider, then a check up.. pre diabetic? means better to be careful now.. border line reading? then car wouldnt start.. your love ones all stopped what they were doing and came to your rescue.. how wonderful of them! Huge thanks to our Lord.. to eat or not to eat?? hahahaa.. guess you should but moderately..
Have a nice weekend!

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh my goodness Ginny, what a day you had. Spiders, doctors, genetic disorders and then a car that won't start. Take care of your self and maybe you can prevent the diabetes.

I love your play on the Through The Looking Glass quote, that is a favorite of mine.

Anonymous said...

What a day! But I'm glad your dil was there soon! Spiders, Friday the 13th...too many things happening. To eat or not to eat...all those wonderful goodies...will be a tough thing indeed!

Anonymous said...

Oh Ginny, what a day! Please keep us updated about your health. I'll be praying for you.

Despite all the turmoil of the day, you are blessed with a wonderful and supportive family. Praise God!

Bobbie said...

Hello Ginny!! What a day you had! I love the scripture that you tied into your post - so fitting. I think it's time to get a new car.
As far as your health report from the doc - we are going to rebuke that report and start praying that God take away anything negative from your body as if it never existed!!! Now - to comment on the good stuff. Yep, you know... the Tastycake. My favorite is Tastycake Juniors... and I could eat an entire box of them without stopping. I hope you enjoyed yours!!

From the Kitchen said...

Not the greatest day for you but I love how you focused so nicely on the positive. Take care of yourself (after the cupcakes, of course) and stay on the phone with the insurance to make sure they allow you to get to the root of the problem.


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Ginny, that is such a hard day! I'm sending you virtual hugs. Maybe you should go get a 2nd opinion on the bone disorder. Sounds like your doctor may not know exactly what's going on. Maybe head to Charlottesville?

Ann said...

What a day you had. Keeping things in perspective though you did a good job of turning things around. Of course topping it all off with a tasty cake was something that just had to be done. I would have eaten the whole box :)

RoeH said...

Don't ya hate car problem???

Hope this diagnosis stops in its tracks and does not proceed on. Wonder if it is preventable. I don't know anything about diabetes except that I've got a few relatives that have had it. Take care! That's an order.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I do hope your health gets better! Of course, we all do....Bad that car breaks down also. What a day...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have now circled the living room screaming the sky is falling the sky is falling 40 times. BWAK BWAK what is up with the disorder, now i am freaking OUT. the battery and the diabetes take back seat to the Unknown Disorder. BWAK BWAK you do have a wonderful family, hope you only need a new battery and not something worse. i have to say i have never had a tasty cake, so have no idea what it would taste like, but i do so love lemon cake and lemon pie and just eating a lemon.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh My Gosh, Ginny.... I am so sorry about your day --not just the car problem nor even the pre-diabetes, but especially the 'unknown disorder'... That is very scary....

I know what you can do for diabetes --but I have no idea what you can do for that other disorder. Did you not get the name of it???? Hope all of the reading helps you find out...

You do have a wonderful family --and God Bless them for coming to your rescue...

Please take care...

DawnTreader said...

Oh my. Yesterday must have been some sort of secret Universe Friday 13th anniversary or something. Another friend also had a bad day; and then the Blogger break-down as icing on the cake, so to speak. (Since I'm not really superstitious it wasn't until today that I noted that yesterday was Friday the 13th.)

An unknown disorder sounds scary, I hate it when I can't at least look things up and find out about them!

I know I'm in a risk zone for diabetes as well since both my parents got it. But so far so good...

Take care of yourself and be sure to eat some healthy fibres and vegetables in between those yummy cakes!

Melanie said...

I feel for you, Ginny. Spiders are the only thing I am deathly terrified of for some dumb reason.
I can handle the little ones, but those big wolf ones make my blood run cold!

I will be praying for you about this mysterious genetic disorder. God knows what it is, and He can fix it.

How nice that you have a son and daughter-in-law nearby who can come to your rescue when you need it!

I hope your weekend is better than yesterday. Take care. :)

George said...

You certainly had an interesting Friday the 13th! While I guess it is possible to laugh about the spider and the car, the genetic disorder is something else. I hope they find what it is and can do something about it. We'll keep you in our prayers.

Mary Bergfeld said...

I'm sorry the doctors report was more upbeat. I know the day was a stressor but it will be awhile before we have another Friday, the 13th. Thank God. Take care, Ginny. Blessings...Mary

Karin said...

My mom would have said, "Oh, yes, it was bad, but it could have been worse." Love your Scripture verse of comfort! Our aging bodies can give us some unique troubles, can't they. What you describe sounds like osteomalacia - but you'll have to wait until the Dr. gives the final diagnosis. So sorry you met with all these unpleasant and scary things on Friday, the 13th! Have never had a tastycake - my downfall would be something savory!

May you rest in the knowledge of God's care and love this week-end and always!

Stephanie V said...

You've had the funniest Friday 13th that wasn't really funny! Such great stories you do tell.
Take care of yourself. I've never had a Tastycake but I expect one - at a time - won't hurt.

Neal said...

What is it with people and spiders. My daughter will pick up a snake or anything else but will run from a spider.

Yeah, Rose is my sister and she is a good photographer.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I totally understand where you are at. I am wishing you a super great day!

Joanne said...

Oh Ginny, what distressing news.I am praying for you! By the way my best friends's Mother had the diabetic diagnosis (don't know if it was pre-diabetic or not) but she decided to go on a strict diet and her numbers have been on the normal side for the longest time now.I love your closing quote. AMEN sister!!!! Blessings, Joanne

Chatty Crone said...

Dear Ginny - such an overwhelming day - but what a beautiful verse you picked for help.

You need to try to find out what that disorder is for your bones - maybe insist on going to a specialist so you can prevent more bone loss.

The pre-diabetes - well - got to lower those delish carbs which is hard to to.

Love your DIL - she loves you a lot!

Hope you get your car fixed too!

Dawning Inspiration said...

What a day! I'm glad you caught the spider BEFORE he crawled up on your face in the middle of the night (yep - been there, done that).

So sorry for your report - but God is good - He has plans for you - good plans - and He can heal you! Praying for you!!

PS: Enjoy those cupcakes!

S. Etole said...

You always make me smile, even in the midst of your difficulties.

Fred Alton said...

At the end of the day you have been blessed! You have a nice car, a good mechanic, a son and daughter-in-law who care enough to stop whatever they are doing and come to your aid when called on.

About being content - I am with you and Paul in that I did not have to learn how to be abased. I was that way most of my life. It's learning how to be content when I'm abounding with blessings that I'm trying to learn!

LV said...

We are not promised a rose garden. We just have to make the best of each day and situation. Trust things get going in another direction soon.

srp said...

If you can do all you can to PREVENT the diabetes... do so. Mom has it and with all the complications it is a mess.... diabetes caused the kidney disease which causes the anemia and the gout and the diets for diabetes and gout are polar opposites. This week I had to take Mom and Dad to different doctor appointments every day!

sm said...

its life
one after another keeps coming
i like the way you narrated it

Arti said...

Oh Ginny! I too am scared of spiders and doctors too. They more often than not have some frightening disease names to tell! I hope its not very serious.. Still take good care. And you have a wonderful family indeed! God bless you all:-)

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh my goodness Ginny. that was a bad day! I hope things went much better the rest of the weekend. How lucky you are that you have such a wonderful daughter in law and son who live so close by. And, lucky that you are pre-diabetic and not a full blown diabetic. You must take much better care of yourself. And, the best of all, you are fortunate that you know God and you know that He is with you always. But still, you must take much better care of yourself!

Velvet Over Steel said...

Very, very true, Ginny! God gave me strength and so much more last week. I know he will give you the same too!!

Sorry to hear that you are pre-diabetic and about the car. & YES, you do have the best DIL and bringing your beautfil grand-daughter with was a 'sweet treat' as well!! ;-) Take care of yourself Ginny!!! I will be praying for you!

Big Hug,
Coreen XOXO

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Oh no, Ginny--I am sorry to hear of your health problems. I hopenthe doctors can help you find a way to stop and reverse the problem. I ahve been trying hard to diet and exercise latly as I feel age creeping up on me.

Remington said...

Take care my friend....

Tracy said...

not fun stuff to think of being diabetic...I know the spiders can be fixed by chasing them away and the care can be fixed by jumper cables and repairs, but you can not be my friend so it is best to take good care of yourself.
Hugs to you...I'm back to 'almost normal' now after being sick for two weeks so trying to get to my friends and just let you know I'm amongst the living, which is a pretty good place to be :)

Deborah said...

I would freak out too if I had a spider in my bed! I hope they can control the early sign of sugar. I think you can with diet, that is what Bernie does~

Shiny Sundy

 Here are more of the C.D.'s that people hang in their gardens to scare the birds away. They are so pretty when the sun shines on them. ...