Sunday, May 1, 2011

Songs In The Night

Last night Phil and I went with a friend to see the play "A Little Night Music". Here is all I knew about it: It is a very famous play by Stephen Sondheim that has been on Broadway, and the song "Send In The Clowns" comes from it. So I was excited!! I didn't know the plot, however, and I must say it was full of people running around doing things they should not do, accompanied by bad language. Some of my pictures were even unfit to be posted, and I got rid of them. We will now check out plays more closely before we go to them. On the positive side, the set, actors, and songs were all beautiful. Sitting in the theatre on such a balmy spring evening makes me think of another kind of singing, do you know that God sings to us? He cheers us on, too. We may not feel it at times, but he wants our decisions to be completely ours, as a father teaches his children how to make the right decisions in life.

"The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." Zeph. 3:17


Karin said...

Like a mother sings over her child, so He, our loving heavenly Father, sings over us! I have always loved that verse!! Thanks for reminding me again!

Yasmin said...

Such true words of wisdom, I'm glad you had an interestng evening. Keep Safe.


SquirrelQueen said...

I haven't seen the play do remember seeing the movie a long time ago. Hope you enjoyed your evening despite the storyline, the music is quite nice as I remember.

Reanaclaire said...

U got rid of some unpleasant pictures? I wonder what they are.. anyway, glad you have a nice time..

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Sorry the play was a little disturbing. Looks fun though.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I am thankful that God takes the time to rejoice over me and sing to me.This is a comforting thought.

Kerrie said...

I, too, am offended by the language and scenes. Like you said, the music is wonderful. Your photos as always are great! hugs, K

Arti said...

Oh, the play must have been really awful for you to have written this! '...he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing' Such lovely words words there.

PS - As regards your query on my blog, I have replied to you there itself. As the reply is a bit lengthy hence I didn't do it here. Hope you don't mind.

Have a wonderful day, Ginny :)

From the Kitchen said...

I'm not sure that I've seen that play but I love "Send in the Clowns". We have some some rather bawdy presentations!! Love the ladies outfits!!


Francesca said...

Great post dear x

Chatty Crone said...

I have heard the song, but never knew where it was from or the play. It is funny - sometimes we think we are going to something really nice and it doesn't end up that way. We learn no matter how old we get. sandie♥

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ditto on sandies comment, we live and learn and are never to old to learn. the photo in the header i really like, did you take it at the play? i can't decide where you took it. it is beautiful. great verse, never heard of the play or movie, have heard the song send in the clowns once or twice

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

This is how we are surprised sometimes, good and bad

Stephanie V said...

A balmy spring evening? Lucky you! The play sounds like fun.

Doris Sturm said...

I love live performances and have not been to a play for years - I used to love going to the Elizabeth Howard's Curtain Call Theater when I lived in California and the actors there were excellent, albeit the food left a lot to be desired, but I didn't go there for the food ;-)

I hear God's voice in the still of the night and in the singing of the birds and crickets, even the frogs, the whisper of the winds that dances with the leaves of the trees and all the sounds of his nature that he made for us...and then I hear the thunder... oh, boy! It does come crashing down quite loud sometimes around here. The other day, it was so loud that it rattled my windows and I'd be not surprised if it broke them...

DawnTreader said...

Not sure I ever heard of that play. Looking it up now I find that it is based on a classic Swedish movie directed by Ingmar Bergman - but I'm not sure if I ever saw that either.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Well, don't beat yourself up about it. Sometimes unknowing, we all have had unpleasant surprises because of seemingly innocent looking media being strongly on the adult side. Have a great evening.

Ann said...

Not familiar with the play but I do know the song. Too bad it wasn't all it was cracked up to be. enjoyed the shots you kept though

Joanne said...

I'm sorry the play wasn't appropriate. I hate it when that happens. Blessings, Joanne

Tracy said...

I so love broadway musicals...Friday night my husband and I are going to see Hello Dolly with Sybil Shepherd and I can't wait! just magnificent...
take good care my dear!

Shug said...

I haven't heard of this play...I have heard the song though...Kinda disappointing sometimes in life when we look so forward to something and it ends up being a bit of a let down..
About a year ago, Sam and I went to see a movie that we had heard several people talking about...After the movie started, we were there for about 10 min. that was long enough to know that we didn't want to hear or see the rest of it...

Have a good evening...

bj said...

Thanks for a review of the play. I adore live plays so much. We go every chance we get.

Thanks for the nice words on my post. Yes, the photos are in my house.

This has been a great day with all the news coverage of this historic time. YAHOO....I am sooo thankful "they got him"!!
xo bj

Annie Jeffries said...

Oh, I do like this, Ginny. This is like a tender caress from a loving parent.

photowannabe said...

Great photos and review too.
To answer your question on my blog: Yes the organization is Joni Erickson's. the chairs were for both children and adults. Some amazing "God" stories about who got the chairs. No coincidences with God!

Regina said...

Gee..I can just imagine! That's too bad it has to be this way? Well I enjoyed all the photos you did post and I'm sure it was still fun and maybe more amusing! (lol) Yet your words were comforting to me- thanks.

Shiny Sundy

 Here are more of the C.D.'s that people hang in their gardens to scare the birds away. They are so pretty when the sun shines on them. ...