Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Really Angry

"For his anger lasts only a moment,
but his favor lasts a lifetime;
weeping may remain for a night,
but rejoicing comes in the morning."
Psalm 30:5

A couple weeks ago, we were driving around town when I saw this sign. Angry Whopper. I thought it was quite funny, ha ha! Someone didn't know how to spell, or perhaps some hooligans rearranged the letters under cover of night as a prank. Anyway, I took a picture for you and soon almost forgot it. Till a few days later when we were in a different city, and I saw the same sign again! This had to be more than coincidence, so we pulled in and asked an employee. Turns out there really is an Angry Whopper! It has jalapenos, onion rings, and spicy sauce. The employee had no idea why it has the name, maybe because it is so spicy. So would you order a burger with a name like this? As we pulled back out onto the highway, the sun was going down. So I have to admit that I really did let the sun go down on my anger!!

"Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold."
Ephesians 4:26


Chatty Crone said...

Ginny - whatever you do - don't eat one of those angry whoppers!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Doesn't sound like anything I would like to eat.The sunset however is gorgeous.I like the verses you used.

Bobbie said...

No angry whoppers for me. .. And none for you either Ms. Ginny!! We don't want to hear of you ending up back in the hospital. What beautiful pictures you take!!!

Karin said...

That Scripture is one hubby and I decided on between before we even got married - 45 years ago!! Honestly can not recall ever going to bed angry with one another.(That does not mean we had no differences!!) When you pray together before bed you just have to work things out with the Lord and with each other.

S. Etole said...

Quite a price difference in the two ...

for some reason I've missed your last few updates ... the sunsets are beautiful.

Sue @ Not the Good Scissors! said...

Angry Whopper does not sound good.

Love your verses. You always make think Ginny. You are cetainly a blessed light in my life.

Rose said...

Gorgeous sunset! I had not heard of the Angry burger either...No, thanks, not for me.

Joanne said...

I have seen the sign before. It is pretty funny. I can't see being able to order that without laughing...remember IHOP's rooty tooty fresh and fruity? Beautiful pictures of the sunset. Blessings, Joanne

SquirrelQueen said...

It looks like you had a beautiful drive home with a view of that fiery sunset.

Never tried the Angry Whopper but when it first came out there was a commercial ad. In the ad someone was yelling insults at the onions to make them "angry", it was funny but a little odd.

I love jalapenos but I prefer them on other things besides a BK burger.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I get it ---angry as in "hot tempered'! :)

I actually do like spicy food so I would consider ordering it. I try not to eat hamburgers anymore, however, as they have too much fat.

Fun post, Ginny and wonderful passage and photos to illustrate it

Nature Rambles said...

Not like something that one would be inclined to order!! But for us--spicy food lovers---the taste may be to our liking!;) Your pictures are a JOY to see!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

WOW, I know an angry whopper would make me angry because of heartburn.

Awesome sunset, oh to be able to see that in person. Have not seen one like that here.

Neal said...

What is the difference between and "Angry Whopper" and an "Angry Wopper" ? :) That is funny! :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Sounds like my type of burger! yum!

Darlene said...

I would not order the Angry Burger, but I'm sure Hubby would. Love the sunset photos.

Reanaclaire said...

After eating become angry? hahaa.. reminded me of Incredible Hulk.. he always used to say.."you don't like me when I'm angry!"

Lady Jane said...

Such a name for a sandwich!!! Great sunset Ginny. And I love the Chewbacca story. We heard it first!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

LOL on the sun not going down on your angry, but it DID got down on the angry whopper. that is a really silly dopey name. i don't eat hot stuff, but i am sure there are lots of people who would love it. i don't like the name at all. and the first thing i noticed was the mispell. that sunset is wonderful and the verses are perfect as always.

Jeanne said...

Amazing sunset pictures!
I don't think I'll be trying the angry wopper - sounds like indigestion to me!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I have not seen this angry burger but I may order it?? Your sunset pics are beautiful

Lynn said...

Love how you weave your pictures with scriptures. Yes, I have said it before but today with the "angry whopper" and the fiery sunset, just amazing how you weave them together. Loves your posts, Ginny, they truly make me smile for their contents and the scripture so often seems exactly what I needed for that day. When I was younger I would have ordered that whopper in a heartbeat, way. Blessings.

Tracy said...

Uh, NO, I would NOT eat a burger such as that...UGH! I don't eat meat as in beef and I don't care for hot or spicy things so it wouldn't happen at all! It is pretty funny though!
your sunsets are beautiful! the heat just radiates from the photos...

From the Kitchen said...

We've got "angry" Whoppers around here too. I don't know what they're so mad about!!

Hope all is well with you. We're just back from vacation and I'm catching up.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Again, a great Scripture to go with the theme of the post! I have never seen any of these burgers but then, I seldom go to Burger King as it is not close by. Have a great day!

Doris Sturm said...

Well, I don't eat burgers anymore, but I like hot stuff and jalapenos are one of my favorite peppers ;-) Those sunsets are magnificent! Great photos, Ginny!

Melanie said...

What a beautiful sunset! :)

Dawning Inspiration said...

Nope - wouldn't buy an Angry whopper... no way - no how - nuh-uh - not gonna.

Ann said...

if it's got jalapenos I'm not touching it.
Had to laugh at the misspelled word in the first one. Pretty bad when someone who works at burger king doesn't know how to spell

LV said...

I doubt if you ate one of those angry burgers it wold affect your attitude. You always share such inspiring messages with us. I would not like it with all those peppers.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

your stomach will really be angry with all the hot pepper.

But your sunset is beautiful.

srp said...

How funny! I haven't seen such a sign here.. but then, I haven't even driven by a Burger King in ages.

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