Friday, June 10, 2011

Soft Signs Of Spring

Here it is almost summer, and I haven't even posted my signs of spring!! There are two big signs of spring in our city. One is the the local soft ice-cream hang-out, Willy's, which is closed all winter. My header is our granddaughter a few years ago on one of her very first trips to Willy's. That picture was taken by my daughter-in-law. And of course there is Phil, bringing me my very first cone of the spring! And the second sign is the local bouncy castle place for the kids, which is deflated all winter. Kids can jump to their hearts content on soft air filled things. As you drive past, you can hear their joyous shrieks fill the warm air. Below is something else that should always be soft. By the way, to make it easier for my dear followers to comment, I have turned off the security word!

"A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."  Proverbs 15:1


Chatty Crone said...

That is a very important verse in the Bible to me.

Signs of spring - I love them.

And your granddaughter is so cute!

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I would love an ice cream tonight! Such wonderful, fun photos, Ginny. Thank you for sharing the verse and have a blessed weekend.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The ice-cream looks delicious.Of course all ice-cream looks good to me.Hope you are feeling better.

Reanaclaire said...

Spring is going to be over?? Oh yeah.. June is here now... time flies.. from winter, then spring and now coming to summer! So where are you planning to go, Ginny? Looking forward to your posts.. about my Who Cares blog, it was kind of abandoned.. lol... no time to manage more than 1 blog, Ginny.. .

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Yum---I love soft-serve ice cream cones... Around here, one of my favorite places to get one is at Cades Cove.....

We are in Little Rock tonight... Had a good first day.


Joanne said...

Vanilla soft serve in a sugar cone.....YUMMERS!!! Your grand daughter is so adorable! why dont they make those bouncey houses for adults! Last year my son had his birthday party in a indoor place with tons of those air slides and houses. As soon as they told me I was welcomed to go in too...I "jumped" at the chance. I was at the top of the slide contemplating whether or not to go when my Son snuck up behind me and gave me a push!!!! The little stinker!!! All the kids had a great time and so did I! great post! Blessings, Joanne

SquirrelQueen said...

Your signs of spring sound like lots of fun. Having a place like Willy's to look forward to each spring would be really special.

The photos of Anne Marie in your header is adorable, her smile is very contagious.

I turned off my word verification about a year ago, I haven't had any spam at all. Blogger's new Spam filters must be catching everything.

DawnTreader said...

Here I think, besides the signs of Nature itself, it is the street cafés and more people out and about that is the sign of spring. And yes the first ice-cream out is always special :) Lovely pictures of your little Anne-Marie.

Nature Rambles said...

I was thinking of ice cream too! Again...loved going through your signs of Spring. The joy on Anne Marie's face...beautiful header photo!

And the verse...something I should always keep in mind.

From the Kitchen said...

Were you as happy as Anne Marie when Willy's opened? That is an adorable photograph of her.

Have a great weekend.


Karin said...

Your little girl on the header is sweet! Oh, we love ice - cream, but must really use self-control. I don't buy it for home anymore! Just thinking the other day that we haven't really had much of a spring and in just a few days the days start getting shorter! Love the signs of spring! Our blossoming trees are done, lovely lilacs around right now. Have an awesome week-end! Nice to know where Betsy and George are!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Love the header pic, she is so cute! Yes signs of spring, so glad it was here.....

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that header shot screams JOY JOY JOY... so sweet. and so is that hubby of yours bring you your cone. yummm I want one NOW. willy's looks like my kind of place. in FL we have ice cream shops open year round, but we don't go there, 5 bucks a cone. are they expensive at Willy's? never thought of ice cream as signs of spring, but in your case it fits perfectly.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Thanks for turning off word verification :-)

Your header! Oh my goodness she is so cute!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Preciousness!!! LOVE that header picture. Makes me want to squeal and run on over and pick her up....but then so does all of the pictures of her!! ;o)

Enjoy your ice cream!

Doris Sturm said...

I wish we had a Willy's in our town. I've never heard of it, but I love Dairy Queen soft serve, especially the chocolate dipped vanilla cones...

What lovely photos. Wishing you well.

Lady Jane said...

Enjoying your signs of Spring, lol... We went from 90 degrees here the other day to 60 today... Go figure....

aspiritofsimplicity said...

That header picture is so darn cute!!! our ice cream places have opened for the season as well. Unfortunately I have been having so many problems with my stomach that I am off all dairy and gluten. Fortunately I can have sorbet in a cup.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I remember walking past an icecream shop when I was in Canada. In winter, the doors were closed, and they had cartons of icecream at the window. In summer, the shop was open with 101 flavours.

Spring is my favorite season.

If your daughter-in-law and son didn't adopt her, I would have.

LC said...

That header pix is so precious.But bittersweet in that it reminds us of how quickly these little ones grow from one spring to the next and the next! NowI am yearning for a trip to Willy's, too!

S. Etole said...

Our drive-in opens in the spring, too. It's always a treat we look forward to.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

Oh my gosh....this little girl is so adorable. Love the header. Great shots

Ann said...

excellent verse.
Hooray for signs of spring especially when it includes ice cream :)

srp said...

In Mississippi, the first sign of late spring and summer was the opening of the shaved ice stand.... people stood in line forever for that.

Rose said...

Ice cream sounds good right is one of my favorite things.

Lynn said...

Ginny, Beautiful verse, so true. I love Phil with your cone! I do hope he had one for himself. Terry and I go to McDonald's for our "ice cream date". We do love their cones and it is a simple pleasure we enjoy on our budget. However, when we are our a road trip we love to find drug stores with old fashioned soda fountains and have ice cream there. Your granddaughter is precious. Blessings.

Regina said...

On the gifts below, I forgot to say I like the cow prints- so cute..the lady and man figure and of course the wreaths!! Were they expensive? I bet the sachets must be really popular..
Now I remember you mentioning Willy's before that it was closed for winter. Great photos Ginny. Well, soon it will be Summer, everything is moving so fast, isn't it?!

Deborah said...

I love all signs of Spring!


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