Thursday, June 30, 2011


The local fireworks stand
Good selection of fireworks
We bought two frogs, who knows what they are?
Chickens spit sparks out their butts!
Turtles, who knows what they would do?
Me reflected in...
The Bullet!

Time to make our yearly trip to the fireworks stand, where every year you will hear the same thing:
Me- "We need just a few more"
Phil-"We have ENOUGH!"
The fireworks seem to be getting more violent or gross every year, as you can see here. There are not too many that suit little girls. Our family has many fireworks stories. When our son was little, we took him to a deserted parking lot one fourth to set off fireworks. This necessitated a visit from the local police. No ticket, but a stern speech, and a demand for I.D. In his haste to leave the scene of the crime, Phil dropped his wallet on the ground and ran over it with the car, leaving permanent tire tread marks on it. A warning for future shenanigans. Last year we set the front yard on fire, as you can see HERE. Do you have any firework stories? Here's one fire we need to keep burning.

"Do not put out the spirit's fire; do not treat prophecies with contempt. Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil.
1 Thess. 5:19,22


From the Kitchen said...

Yikes, I'm glad I don't live next door to you! Truthfully, nothing much bothers me except big bangs--therefore, I don't like parades, circuses or champagne being opened.


Shanda said...

After living so many years in Central America, I now think of fireworks for New Years Eve and Christmas Eve. And they start at midnight and keep you awake until day break! I loved it though.

Karin said...

In our building we can go to the 12th floor on our outside balcony and watch the fireworks of several communities all at once. Of course, it's not like being close up, but I couldn't handle that. We've still got twilight at 11 p.m. but as it gets darker the display is simply dazzling - plus we don't get the ear drum shattering noise! Oh well, to each his own, lol.

It only takes a spark, to get a fire going. And soon all those around, can warm up to its glowing. That's how it is with God's love........

SquirrelQueen said...

I love those little turtles, I've bought them and the frogs before.

Pretty much all fireworks except sparklers and such are illegal inside our city limits so we don't do them any more.

I almost set the house on fire one year! Probably another good reason not to buy fireworks.

Yasmin said...

I love fireworks! Especially seeing them in time with music and shooting from buildings in the city. Riverfire is a great event for me!!!


Bobbie said...

Oh my! It looks like you had quite a time last year. LOL. The look on your granddaughters face is priceless... bless her heart. My nephews are the same way, they have been saving and collecting all year for their firework display but I think they're doing theirs on the 3rd. We were put in charge of finding all the right patriotic music and putting it on CD for the event. It should be interesting.
I hope your display goes off without incident this year and pray that everyone is safe and all have a wonderful time!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Looks like you are ready! We usually set off fireworks in our horse arena.

Melanie said...

My favorite fireworks story involves my brother.
He and my husband were setting off fireworks in the yard. The fireworks caught one of the spruce trees on fire, so my brother went in to get some water. Mom didn't know what was going on and when my brother opened the door, Mom just handed him the 'garbage bucket' (full of vegetable scraps, coffee grinds, etc.)to dump in the garden. Instead, he took it and threw it on the fire! We have never let him live that one down! :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i remembered the yard from last year but went over there to LOL again like i did last night. I am wondering what will be in the post next week AFTER the 4th? can't wait to see what happens. we have never done anything other than sparklers because Georgia and Florida fireworks are illegal. but they have big fireworks in several places, we can see them from our front porch but we are asleep when they shoot them in the air, so will depend on YOURS for this year.

Mary Bergfeld said...

You take the most amazing photos, Ginny. The book of life will also read you knew how to celebrate :-). I went back and read the "Scorched Earth" post and loved every minute of it. The photo of your granddaughter is priceless. I hope you have a wonderful holiday. Blessings...Mary

Remington said...

I hope you have a fun 4th of July.

Anonymous said...

Ginny...I had to check out your link and I'm glad I did! Scorched Earth indeed! The men certainly had a great time!!

Love the reflection photo in the bullet! Only you could come up with an amazing photo like that! That is going to be some night! Quite an arsenal you have there! Enjoy!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Where I used to live in Southern CA, all fireworks were forbidden. It is against the law to possess firecrackers anywhere in CA at any time. Stiff penalties, too. So, I now live in Tennessee and when I moved here two years ago, was tempted to buy a few small firecrackers. No, I never have yet. Who knows? I do know that I would have to set fireworks off someplace other that in my community as it is a no-no here (they also are pretty unforgiving about it if a person were to get caught). So I guess community firework show is it for this year and TV fireworks, too. Have a great day!

Stephanie V said...

No stories from me. I stay as far away from fireworks as I can get. They just don't make me happy.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

WOW, what a header photo you have there Ginny. I hope you have a wonderful safe celebration. BOY what a fireworks store. I hope you get lots of pictures. I want to take some but dont know the settings to use on my camera. The guy next door always shoots off some fireworks and would like to capture some pics. I guess I need to dig out some of my photograpy books and read..

GOD bless and keep you all safe.

DawnTreader said...

Here New Year is the big night for fireworks. From my childhood I remember them as more common on Easter Eve. I've never bought or fired off any in my whole life! My personal opinion is that they should not be allowed in among houses in town. A deserted parking lot does sound like a better place... ;)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, So glad to get home and back to blogging. We did have a fabulous trip--but home is pretty nice also!!!!!

HA HA HA--love this post... Thinking about you all getting caught by the police shooting off fireworks just tickles me...

I will admit that as many crazy things as I may do or have done in my life, we have never shot off our own fireworks... I remember being scared to death of the sparklers when my kids were little. That's as brave as I get --when it comes to fireworks. These days, we watch fireworks on TV.... ha

P.S. Had no idea the fireworks were so 'fancy' these days!!!

Kerrie said...

I have had the most awful time commenting on your blog for about 3 weeks! It keeps telling me "Blogspot is not responding" is anyone else having that problem? We never buy fireworks for home since the kids were little, just enjoy the big ones at the beach...hugs, K

Ann said...

I love fireworks. About the only thing you can legally buy around here is sparklers and really silly stuff that's no fun at all. We had to drive into Ohio last year to get some.

Chatty Crone said...

That is so funny - you are a wild child there - your dangerous! Be careful this year. Happy 4th of July.

Regina said...

Hi Ginny..that's funny. My parents never went all out, but we did celebrate a little. I loved the sparklers (lol)-not the noise but accepted it. I enjoyed some nice get-to-gether's over the years too. Perhaps my boys probably look back with appreciatiation to their Aunty and Uncle around this time of year.
I don't have a story off hand..hmm? Anyway, what are your plans?

Doris Sturm said...

Why am not surprised to read your attracting the local police - again - and Phil running over his wallet - I know it wasn't funny then, but to me it sounds hilarious because it's so typical of your guys shenanigans ;-)

I liked sparklers as a little girl! That's all I was allowed to hold and I though they were pretty!

photowannabe said...

No real stories, just lots of good memories of potluck BBQ's and everyone sharing in the fireworks. We always turned the sofa around and watched from the front window. Long ago it seemed someone had a new baby or very young kids and it was safer for them inside. Really good memories though.

George said...

I must admit that my adventures with fireworks were tame in comparison with yours. When I was young, the only things Mom and Dad would let us have were Sparklers. They did, however, always take us to see the fireworks at the fairgrounds, which were always pretty spectacular. I just carried on those traditions with my own children, so I don't have any lawns on fire stories to share.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

The bullet sure is shiny.

We don't buy fireworks, because they cost so much.

Fred Alton said...

It's been years since Frances and I have bought any fireworks! Partly because we lived in a country where they did not celebrate the 4th of July. Of course the US Consulate had an "affair" that we attended which featured fresh American type corn and fresh watermelons, flown in by air; hotdogs and burgers; usually a speech by some dignitary from the U.S. was also included. I so enjoy that we have these freedoms which are un-matched anywhere else in the world.

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The Blue Light District

 A guessing game! Do you have any idea what and where this is? It is hard. So here is a little clue. The answer in my next post!