Saturday, August 6, 2011

Ella And The Elephants

This week was Ella's birthday, and she is five years old now! Here she is standing in front of her cake, getting so grown up looking, but still as sweet and tender-hearted as ever! All other pictures after the cake are from different times in the past. For my new followers, Ella is the little girl we have been helping care for almost since she was born, she is like a granddaughter to us.. Anne Marie, who is on this blog frequently also, is our granddaughter.

Elephants have brains very similar to human brains, and they are really smart. They can play, mimic, express grief, and use tools.You know that old saying that an elephant never forgets? Well, that is true!! Elephants have very good memories, they will remember people who have mistreated them years layer, and hold a grudge. How wonderful that God doesn't hold a grudge when we misbehave! Unlike the elephant, he not only forgives our sins, but FORGETS them!!

"For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more."
Hebrews 8:12

"For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us."
Psalm 103:11,12


Karin said...

Thank you Jesus that you forgive and forget!! Such cute pictures of your little Ella with her elephants!!

George said...

It looks as if Ella had a great birthday celebration. She certainly is growing up entirely too quickly.

Arti said...

A very Happy Birthday to Ella...
She looks beautiful!
Also Elephants are worshipped here in India Ginny... The Temples in southern India have elephant processions too!! Have a fabulous Sunday and wish you a very Happy Friendship Day:)

S. Etole said...

What a fun series of pictures ... she is a little cutie!

SquirrelQueen said...

How cute, I love the elephant 'tattoo' on Ella's cheek. I remember your mentioning that Ella loves elephants. It looks like she had a great birthday celebration.

Happy Birthday Ella!

chambrayblue said...

Happy Birthday sweet Ella! Great post, Ginny..

Reanaclaire said...

My girl also likes elephant.. dumbo!!
Happy Birthday to Ella, sweet!!!

DawnTreader said...

Oh Ella is indeed 'growing up', I can see that in the birthday picture. How cute with all the elephants... Her favourite animal?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing these adorable photos of Ella. Hope she enjoyed every minute of her 5th birthday!

Have a great Sunday, Ginny.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so maybe Ella is short for little girl who loves elephants. sure has a lot of them. she is so precious and sweet and adorable. I love the header. where was that, i can tell the elephant is not real, but is the person on the elephant real or not? Ella looks like she is staying close to Phil, like that is a really big ella bella elephant

Ann said...

What a little doll Ella is. Happy belated birthday to her.

From the Kitchen said...

Adorable! Ella is beautiful. Happy birthday!


Melanie said...

Happy birthday to Ella! She is just so cute. :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Happy birthday to her! My SIL collects elephants :-)

Chatty Crone said...

Happy Birthday Ella. And I am so glad God has chosen to forgive us!

LC said...

Happiness and blessings to the birthday girl, and thanks for the reminder of God's unconditional love and grace that he is ready to lavish on us if only we accept it.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh my,she really is growing up.These young ones grow up so fast.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

What a grown up little gal. I love the pictures --but my favorite is the one with her cake. Can't believe how much she has grown!!!

Great pictures, Ginny.

Reena said...

What a fun birthday for Ella...just a little cutie!

Jackie said...

What a sweet little girl she is, indeed. I love all the elephants. I hope that she will be able to meet a real one. :)

Jackie said...

Oh, and I love the forgive and forget analogy. Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Excellent Scripture! I like Elephants and have seen several living ones in zoos and circuses. I have never seen any in the wild other than in pictures. I once knew a very eccentric artist in Texas who had made a life-sized cement elephant in his own front yard! How about that! Have a great evening and a fabulous coming week!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Tap Tap la la.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY To yo....clear throat...cough... Happy Birth....cough cough.... Oh pooh... I tried to sing but if I continued I fear I would crack the screen. SO, I will just wish Ella a Happy Birthday and many more to come.

Annie Jeffries said...

An elephant is a girl's best friend! Happy Birthday, Ella.

Regina said...

Happy Birthday to your beautiful Grandaughter Ella Bella!! Cake looks yummy and she looks so sweet on her 5th..imagine that!!

Doris Sturm said...

I hope you had a wonderful Birthday, Ella! I love elephants too - since ever I was a little girl! They look so kind hearted and gentle!

Rose said...

She is a doll...need to show my daughter that elephant made from the paper bag!

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