Friday, August 19, 2011

Through The Wires Part ll

Today's wires don't have a shining sun or pretty sky behind them. These wires have tree limbs and shoes on them, and are backed by mostly dreary skies. The limbs have been on the wires for over a year, yet no one sees fit to move them. And I guess teenagers throw shoes and things over the wires, It must take a bit of talent to do this, but can anyone clue me in as to why? Once slung over the wires, they likely stay there forever. Whenever we drive by, I wonder who, how and why. Do you see this where you live, or is it just a local thing here? When we go around throwing things, we need to be careful! You just never know what might come of it.

Then the Lord said to him "What is that in your hand?"
"A staff," he replied.
The Lord said, "Throw it on the ground."
Moses threw it on the ground and it became a snake, and he ran from it. Then the Lord said to him, "Reach out your hand and take it by the tail." So Moses reached out and took hold of the snake and it turned back into a staff in his hand.
Exodus 4:2,4


S. Etole said...

That's a unique sight ... it's mostly tree limbs that get in the wires here.

Ann said...

we have shoes hanging on the power lines out in front of my house. I googled it once and found some interesting theories as to what it means. Here's the link to the Wikipedia entry for shoe tossing :)

Karin said...

I find it so foolish and disrespectful of others property to throw stuff onto wires like that. It's a very rare sight around here - I think they are quickly removed so as not to encourage copycats!

Have a joyous week-end!

Glenda said...

Ginny, I saw shoes hanging high in trees when we visited St. Simons Island, GA, but I've never seen in my community.

Hope you have a restful, blessed weekend!

Bobbie said...

Hi Ginny. This is something new for me... never saw this before...

Annie Jeffries said...

I'm clueless about the shoe flinging thing as well. I see it on a pretty regular basis. I'm guessing there is no harm intended; probably a dare is a part of the challenge. I had a pair of b/w saddle shoes when I was 12 that I would have loved flinging to the wind. And speaking of wind, perhaps someone should toss a pair of shoes to remove the tree limb. What do you think?

George said...

You have some very interesting customs in Virginia. I have no idea why anyone would throw a pair of shoes up on a power line.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

so it happens in USA too. In Australia, the drug sellers hurl shoes up the power lines to tell that drugs are available.

Joanne said...

I see that once in a while and It bothers me to no end. maybe because they do stay there for a very long time and its quite ugly in my opinion. I will go to that link Thanks ANN.
The rainbow picture is pretty Ginny.
Blessings, Joanne

SquirrelQueen said...

I have seen the shoes on power lines in every town we have lived in, it is a common sight here on the West Coast. I can think of two places here in Walla Walla where the shoes are on the lines.

My husband works for a power company. He asked one of the linemen if they ever remove the shoes. The lineman told him they don't remove them unless they are causing a problem.

Reanaclaire said...

gosh.. that is considered vandalism? dangerous too to swing over the shoes over the live wires..

From the Kitchen said...

There's a fairly rural intersection near here where thousands of shoes (who knows if they are pairs since they aren't tied together) are tossed. Some end up on the wires but most are just tossed on the ground. This has been happening for over 20 years. Occasionally they are picked up and disposed of but more take their place. There was even an article in the Chicago Tribune about the site recently. We drive that way into the city and I always take a look. Most of them look like shoes in good repair. Very strange!!


Hootin Anni said...

Oh yes....I've seen this shoe thingie hundreds of times. They hang there 'til the rot. In fact we have a pair a few blocks from our home that have been there, like.....forever!!!

To answer your question that you left for me on my blog yesterday, no....I don't illustrate book covers. But I do like to pencil sketch and paint in my spare time. In fact, if ever you return to visit with me ----scroll down my sidebar to my easel and click on the drop down menu...these will be links to pieces of art I've done and shared on my blog.

Have a great weekend.
My day's entry for Saturday is: HOME SWEET HOME

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

I have seen this around school areas and its sad to think some hardworking parents money is haning there. But here, it cauth you pay a hefty fine. The county will go around and remove them so they are no there long.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have seen a few here but not this many at one time. there is a limb not for far from home that has been there a year or longer. i often wonder why also, about the shoes. i am thinking just because they can, like a contest or something. and what a waste since the shoes look in good condition. strange things are a happening in this old US of A.
maybe shoe tossing is like throwing toliet tissue on trees and bushes and house. none of which we did in my growing up years. sadly there is a lack of respect for others and themselves now that was not there back in my days. besides, FEAR of my Dad and God would have kept me from doing this.

Chatty Crone said...

Ginny I have seen that here too - and have wondered the same thing - I thought someone might do it to someone out of meanness - ???

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh, Ginny, I hate to be the one to break the news. But I learned during my years as a juvenile probation officer that the shoes often signal a "safe" place to buy drugs. Not always - but most of the time that's what they symbolize.

Nice pictures though!!

Stephanie V said...

Shoes on wires is a pretty common thing here, too. Just up the street we have a 'shoe tree' by the skateboarding park. I guess when they wear out their (expensive) Vans, they fling them up into the tree.

Mary Bergfeld said...

The sneaker thing happens everywhere, Ginny. It seems to be associated with graduation. Given the cost of sneakers nowadays it really does amaze me. You asked about panko - the crumbs are more coarsely grated and then baked with a light coating of butter or oil. I hope you have a great weekend. Blessings...Mary

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Well, I don't know if this is the same gesture here in the East, but in many spots in California, throwing shoes over the electric lines is something associated with gang activity. Sometimes it is just kids doing copy-cat pseudo gang stuff too. I do love your pictures of the rainbow in your header. Have a great day today!

Reena said...

Bored teens!

Regina said...

Ha, I remember seeing this type of thing on the wires near our house growing up. In fact, one pair was up there for ever-

Neal said...

That's funny! Walking the wire huh.

Rose said...

Yeah, the shoe thing is here, too...not sure why they do it.

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