Friday, August 5, 2011

Mug Shots

Well, what have we here? We were out driving and came up behind this man on a bike...with lots of mugs strapped to his back! What the...? So we  stalked  followed him at a safe distance for awhile, but got no clues. Got any ideas? Here are a few of my favorite mugs. The last picture is a mug stack I just brought home tonight, 20% off at Pier 1!

Mugs and cups have been found carved from bone dating back to the stone age. The first ever coffee shop was in Constantinople in 1475. In 1748, Britain banned coffee, and coffee mugs, leading to black market mugs!! I think this must be the most famous cup of all:

"Taking the cup and thanking God, he gave it to them. "Drink this, all of you. This is my blood, God's new covenant poured out for many people for the forgiveness of sins. I'll not be drinking wine from this cup again until that new day when I'll drink with you in the kingdom of my Father."
Matthew 26:27,29


Shanda said...

No ideas..they couldn't even be full! Looks like a winter shot.

Karin said...

Wondering if this person makes coffee for all at home every morning and then at the office charges what the specialty shops would charge - you know, a little business deal on the side! They look like tightly sealed thermos mugs!

Loved your pun! There's so many pun mugs out there - had a good laugh! Your newly acquired mug stack looks great!

Rose said...

We have very few mugs that match or come from a set...for a while we just collected things we liked...then started getting too many so I quit. And I would love to know the story behind the guy and all those mugs!

Chatty Crone said...

Maybe he is a coffee delivery man - or maybe there is hot water in it to melt the ice.

I have the same cups you do but in all white from World Market! I think I like yours better.

Regina said...

Coffee must be on the brain..nice background and header! Those mugs are so pretty! You and Sandra scored! That man with the mugs is interesting..good thing you didn't get any closer (lol)..and does look like Winter. I think we drink most out of the ones that don't match..except when company comes (that's when we end up having a cup at night)?

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

home delivery coffee.

Have you been in connect with Sandra that you both post about mugs and cups?

My cup/mug is rather big and is off white. I like it for the size, The downside is the tea stains it, and my husband thinks I didn't wash it. Once in a while, I use a wire gauze.

SquirrelQueen said...

Goodness Ginny, between you and Sandra I feel like I've been Mugged! :D

Maybe the coffee machine at the office was broken and he got sent out to fill the mugs. I like your mug stack, that is cool.

Reanaclaire said...

Mugs fro sale? :) Maybe he is selling them... in my house, each of us have our own different mugs so as not to use each other's one.. :)

From the Kitchen said...

I'm surprised that you didn't have Phil stop the man and ask him about those mugs. Inquiring minds want to know. I like your mug stash. I have quite a collection myself and there always seems to be room for just one (or two) more.

Have a great weekend.


Cindy said...

Hi nice to meet you,
I think the mug pack must be because he is a traveling coffee street corner coffee sampler and retailer. He probably has some really good coffee and goes around promoting it and makes a little on the side.

No! I just got another idea, these are thermal mugs, he has his own business called, dial a cup. He is out making deliveries.

DawnTreader said...

Well my first thought was that must be Sandra out on a mug-hunt ;)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I can see why you bought the mug stack, it is wide and flat and hard to turn over, the others would be a no no for you and I. to skinny on the bottom. i am wracking my brain trying to figure out why he had those mugs on his back.
maybe he found a deal like mine for .59 and wants to sell them on ebay for 9.99 which is what my favorite cup is going for now. maybe he is homeless and found them in the trash and is going to sell or trade. maybe he does not own a car and bought them for a gift and had to transport them that way for safety. maybe his mother gave them to him for his apartment and it was the best way to get them home. now i will read the other comments and see what i did not think of.

Lady Jane said...

I havent a clue why he would be riding around with mugs on his back, lol... I love how you took your mug blog and led right into a Bible verse. You go Girl....

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i just had a blast reading all the comments and i foudn i was in 3 of them. i love the SQ comment she got mugged. and yesterday from the writers kitchen did her mug of coffee, or day before i think.
and from the W kitchen said what i thought. surprised Phil did not ask the man where they came from
and one last comment
LOVE THE MUG OF THE MUGGER in the header... smiling....

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

haha!!! Love that you all "stalked" him to get those awesome mug shots!
He must be very, very thirsty... or has to keep fueled up with the coffee to help keep him going! I love mugs too and especially your awesome purchase from Pier 1.

Blessings & Aloha!
I am stopping over from LV's post and wanted to say thank you for your kind comment about the art I do. Please do stop by and if you do, please leave a comment so that I know you were there.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

My guess he was like one of those NY bike guy delivering important mail. Maybe he delivers coffee from a special shop?

LOVE your collection, Fill the snowman mug to the brim please and pass it through the screen.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Maybe he collected mugs:) You have beautiful mugs too...

Nikki (Sarah) said...

hmm. he must be going to have a drink with his buddy or he has a mug addiction collection!! Totally love your posts....

Deborah said...

I couldn't imagine anyone banning coffee! EVER!!!
This guy must find them left behind and then keeps them! It must be a hobby of his :) Great post!

Arti said...

Thanks for those beautiful pics Ginny!!!
The last pic is so similar to the Indian 'dabba'... The Mumbai dabbawalas are so famous that the England and USA prime ministers have met them during their visits to Mumbai!!!
Have a fabulous weekend:)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

It took me a second to get it - mug shots! Cute title!

Wonder if he delivers coffee?

Ruth Hiebert said...

Mugs come in so many shapes and sizes.I find them very interesting.As for carrying so many on a back pack,I can't begin to think what that is all about.

Anonymous said...

Can't imagine the story behind the guy with the mugs on his backpack! You have some very pretty mugs, Ginny. I have given up drinking tea (due to the caffeine and reflux problems) but I cannot give up my ONE cup of morning coffee!!!!

Stephanie V said...

I'm disappointed that you couldn't get to the bottom of this story LOL It's rare that you leave us wondering, Ginny.

That set of mugs is so pretty.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

My cup runneth over...

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hmmmmmm... Have no idea why that man was carrying those mugs/cups.... Weird!!!!!

Love all of your little cups and mugs... I have a huge collection also...

Thanks for the adorable birthday card.

Ann said...

Can't imagine why the guy has the mugs on his back like that. Hmm, different.
I love that mug with the flowers on the inside. So pretty. Your new mug stack from Pier 1 is really cute too.

chambrayblue said...

Haha! That was kind of funny. Not a clue!! Love all the mugs though... :-)

George said...

I have no idea about what the bicyclist was doing with all those mugs, but it sure made for an interesting post. You've got quite a collection of mugs.

Annie Jeffries said...

Fascinating shots. Interesting glimpse of historyic coffee highlights. And, yes, the greatest cup of all.

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