Sunday, November 25, 2012


This year, I have been in the struggle of my life, and yet I have so many more things to be thankful for. I realize that every minute of every day counts, that we should live only for this moment, because this monent is your life. And I realize that NO ONE knows when they are going to die, and that in itself is such a blessing and a reason to be very thankful. Here are my memories of Thanksgiving this year, a very unexpected and special one. We were invited to be with our family and they set up this tree of branches. Everyone got a colorful paper leaf to write on it what they are thankful for. After we ate, the leaves were taken down and read by Anne Marie and her cousin. We tried to guess who had written each one. Anne Marie made these turkey place markers, which look just a bit like a peacock. Maybe it is a Peaturk! A day of thanks, food, and family, Amen!

I am so glad to be back to blogging, but I will not be able to post and visit every day. Perhaps once or twice a week. Another thing I am so very thankful for, my blog followers, many who have become very good friends! You are a real blessing to me!!!!!!


Jeanne said...

Ginny - it is so good to hear from you! You've been in my prayers and I miss you. Hope you will feel like blogging but please take care and don't do too much! Just take care of yourself and enjoy your sweet family!

From the Kitchen said...

I am thankful for having you back on the blogging circuit!! I'll still be praying for you and looking forward to what you have to say whenever you feel like saying it.


Susannah said...

May you continue to feel better and better. God is there with you. You look wonderful!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh--it was wonderful to see a comment on my blog from YOU today... YEAH--you have been missed.

Love the pictures --and you are right. Everyday is SPECIAL--and we all need to make the most of each and every single day.


Karin said...

Yes, thankful too that we can live to the fullest for as long as the Lord gives us breath! Such cute decorations for Thanksgiving - love the thanksgiving branches - used that idea last year at the nursing home - very meaningful isn't it!

Joanne said...

I am thankful for you! Welcome back and your pictures are wonderful! What a great idea!
Blessings, Joanne

Reanaclaire said...

Ginny, you are looking good!! Thank God for His healing hands...

Reanaclaire said...

Ginny, you are looking good!! Thank God for His healing hands...

Arti said...

So happy to see you back to blogging, Ginny - A big warm WELCOME back!

Your presence is soul soothing as is your blog and so are your words. There is so much to learn from the pearls of wisdom that you fill in each of them. 'Thank You' for coming back, get well soon and please keep blogging - You are missed.

Hugs, take care. :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Love the thankful tree! The pic of the two girls together is so sweet :-)

Alice said...

What a nice family you have. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog, too. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love that pic of the faces of the two cousins. they are beautiful. great idea on the leaf tree and those are beautiful peaturks. she is a talented artist. thankful you are back

Remington said...

HELLO! I have missed you! Great picture! We should be thankful for each day....I am also thankful for having you for a friend....take care!

Ruth Hiebert said...

What a great way to make the real meaning of Thanksgiving take centre stage.

DawnTreader said...

How good to see you back in the Blogworld and sharing your Thanksgiving (in the double sense). Take it at your own pace! :)

Ann said...

What a wonderful idea with the tree. So glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. It's great to see you back to blogging again.

Rose said...

What a great idea for Thanksgiving...and so happy you might be able to blog a little bit.

Chatty Crone said...

Awe - love you pal and I am so glad you are back. Don't worry about how much you post or how many you answer. Just have fun. You do have a lot to be thankful for and so do we - you're back! sandie

Marie said...

Love the thankful tree! I'm thankful that you feel well enough to be back in blog land! Don't worry about any of us! Take care of yourself and enjoy every moment. :)

Shug said...

Hi Ginny....I have certainly missed you! Thought of you last week, when I had a bout of diverticulitus! Not a fun thing to have. Hope you are feeling much better..You have been in my prayers...Take care!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I am so glad to see you! Your list of things you are thankful for are needed reminders for us all...Blog when you feel like it...I have missed you

George said...

It sounds as if you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. I'm thankful that you're back and that you shared these photos and story with us.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Ginny, it is so good to hear from you. It sounds like you had a wonderful holiday and are coping with the limitations of the day. You remain in my thoughts and prayers, dear friend. Hugs and blessings...Mary

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