Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Through A Cat's Eye

I have a surprise for you today, we have some new family members. Three, to be specific. We have gotten three cats. From zero to three is quite a jump! The thing is that we wanted two. One, and then another to play with and for company. But after we got our first, the big yellow Tabby Simba, we found these lovely Siamese litter mates. They had never been separated in their lives and were devoted to each other, and we got an offer to take them for free! So meet Simba, and Sunny & Cher!!! Sunny already had his name, and I have always wanted Sonny & Cher to reunite, so even though they are both males, I just couldn't help myself!!! Now Sonny & Cher are back together again! Our son was horrified at naming a male Cher. Probably thinking old mom has gone off the deep end, but I did that years ago! Sunny adores the girls and follows then everywhere. We had three cats the first year of our marriage, and a friend suggested we were trying to recreate that. So Phil & I now have matching phones on each end of our couch, matching remotes, and now matching cats!

GOD said, “It’s not good for the Man to be alone; I’ll make him a helper, a companion.” So GOD formed from the dirt of the ground all the animals of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the Man to see what he would name them. Whatever the Man called each living creature, that was its name. The Man named the cattle, named the birds of the air, named the wild animals; but he didn’t find a suitable companion.
Genesis 2


Melanie said...

Oh, Ginny, they're so cute. I'm sure you'll enjoy them. We've always had a cat or two. They are so funny and entertaining! One of ours is very lovable and the other one...well, she's the reason a lot of people don't like cats! :)
Hope you have a great day!

From the Kitchen said...

I'm glad to hear that you and Phil are still matching up!!
The cats of beautiful--love your header!


Alice said...

They are all adorable.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

all three are beautiful, I love the one of S and C together. i can see they love each other. Simba is beautiful, I have always liked the big orange tabby cats. matching remotes? to the same TV? we fight over who is IN charge of the one. so if i had one i could flip from football to HGTV while he was holding his remote. LOL

Parsley said...

They are precious! It is work to have multiple pets but so worth it!

Unknown said...

Adorable cats ^_^

Anonymous said...

The eyes of the cats are beautiful but, the eyes of the granddaughter are the most beautiful of all.
Good to have you back.
Jean from Memphis

Remington said...

Congrats on the new members to your family. Enjoy! They are beautiful!

Reanaclaire said...

oh gosh..3 cats! Looks like your granddaughter loves them very much! :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I've so missed your pictures! Congratulations on the new, beautiful kitties. I'm a total cat person - if I could I would probably turn into a crazy cat lady. We adopted 2 adult male cats from a rescue program a couple of months ago. I adore them :-) So do the boys!

Marie said...

The kitties are such cuties! I love all animals, but normally I only have puppy dogs. Son brought home a surprise that we couldn't say no to...a kitten! Her name is Foxy and she is now six months old. I do have two posts of her on my blog. :)
It's so wonderful to see you in blog land again!

RoeH said...

Awwwww. You just know you have my heart with this post. I just love cats and the friendship and loyalty they bring. Just precious!!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

So glad to see you posting, sweet lady! I just read your last post which I had missed seeing. Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving!
Now about the! They are so pretty!! We've gone from 1 to 4, it's was supposed to be only 2 but my daughter has been bringing in the 2 outside kitties she has been taking care of since they were born. It's quite a sight to see them all draped over the furniture, or watching them play together! They are a handful, but a lot of fun too. Thankfully, they do sleep a lot! :)
Have a wonderful day!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I hope these kittens bring loads of joy and laughter into your home.

Chatty Crone said...

Ginny - I almost did not recognize your blog - you redid it. I love it.

And three cats - I would have an asthma attack, but I think they are adorable.

Pets are good for your health.

And your granddaughter is beautiful.

Love, sandie

Ann said...

You and Phil are a very balanced couple. I love your new additions. So cute.

Rose said...

Cats are so much company...and fun. My Bubbie can wear me out..he likes to play hide and go seek. And Roger has an old fishing rod with a string tied on it...

Betsy Banks Adams said...

So cute, Ginny.... I love all three of them... Glad you have them and I know that you will love them all. There's plenty of love to go around in the family!!!!!! Congrats.

Bobbie said...

Oh Ginny, it's so good to have you back!! And I love the cats.. they are beautiful. Anne Marie is growing! Does she love school? Time flies by way too fast, right?
I hope you're doing well. You should be getting your book soon :-)

S. Etole said...

What beautiful additions to your family. My one is keeping me busy but she is still a kitten. So wonderful to see you here again.

LC said...

I got a chucle out of your Sonny and Cher. I haven't had a cat since my "Snowflake" of my childhood died. She lived many years, well -past my early years of marriage. It was always relaxing to sit and stroke her from head to tail. to scratch behind her ears and to stroke her under her chin. Hope your kitties bring relaxation and comfort to your home.

Anonymous said...

Hello friend! I did not know you were blogging again.
Congrats on your cats. They are beautiful and I love their names.
I think since you have been away that we have a new cat, Trixie - we have 5 now.

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