Friday, November 30, 2012

The Nutcracker, SO Sweet

This evening we went to our city's production of The Nutcracker Suite, and it really was so sweet for us. You see, our very own granddaughter Anne Marie was a ballerina in the production! The two hours just flew by, and then she was at the edge of the stage with the others, taking her bow and getting her picture and flowers. Such poise for only six years old. A truly unforgettable evening with memories to cherish.

“ We ask you—urge is more like it—that you keep on doing what we told you to do to please God, not in a dogged religious plod, but in a living, spirited dance.”
1 thessalonians


Annie Jeffries said...

What a sweet memory. I hope Anne Marie keeps dancing. Just think of all the years of Nutcracker photos you will be able to collect as she grows up.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Anne Marie has grown while you were away.

RoeH said...

How adorable! And the costume. Love it.

Joanne said...

Oh my goodness Ginny you must have been bursting with joy! How beautiful she looked! What an awesome night that must have been!!!
Blessings, Joanne

Ann said...

It looks like it was quite a production and Anne Marie looks so cute in her costume.

From the Kitchen said...

I'm humming passages from The Nutcracker right now!
You must have had the best of evenings. Anne Marie looks adorable--well, they all do.


Nikki (Sarah) said...

Hi Ginny....she's adorable and all of them sooooo sweet.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What a beautiful ballerina she makes! Wish I could've seen it too!

Reanaclaire said...

I am so proud of her too! She has really grown.. in no time, she is as tall as you.. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness is she that big now? Gosh she is so pretty and I bet smart too. I know you were so proud of her. I loved the pretty photos of the dance. Have a good weekend. sandie

Marie said...

How special, Ginny! I bet it was really lovely! Your granddaughter is one talented cookie! She looks beautiful! The black and white she is wearing makes me think of a Panda Bear. :)

Ruth Hiebert said...

She was the prettiest of the bunch,I am sure.

Unknown said...

she is so cute in her costume!
Have a lovely weekend!

DawnTreader said...

How cute! And what fun that you were able to go and watch!

momto8 said...

you must be very proud! good for all of you!!

Filip and Kristel said...

This looks like such a good performance, you must be very proud of your granddaughter.

Sorry for not commenting the last few weeks but we are on a long travel adventure in the US and the Caribbean.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

ok, so i am back and where did my comment from 5 am go is the question. of course i don't remember what i said and now i wonder if there are more that did not go through.
Ann Marie is the prettiest ballerina and adorable. a wonderful time for you and for her. love all the photos

Rose said...

Oh, my, I would be so proud....

Lynn said...

Oh my goodness, I saw the one beautiful photo on Facebook, but seeing more here is delightful. Love the picture of Anne Marie and Phil.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Hey! You are back on the blog! So good to see and read! Wow - what a cutie that little Anne Marie is. How sweet for her to perform in the Nutcracker! I bet you loved it!

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