Wednesday, October 22, 2014


I love decorating for Fall! I don't have any lights or big statements, but I do have lots of little things around the house. So here are some of my things that are scattered around the house now. This little angel has fall leaves for wings. She guards the T.V.

Here is Anne Marie as a kitty on one of her first Halloweens.

Here are a few of my kitchen shelves.

My green pumpkin, which is made from thin wood that is curved.

My turkey dish, which has three compartments. I have it on the kitchen counter with sugar, creamer, and candy corn in it.

I recently fund these acorn bells to hang on a doorknob

This is hanging on my fridge.

And this is on my front door, on the inside.

Here is the owl I just found at C.V.S for half price. He perches on a basket of papers.

This hangs on a small living room wall

I have this rack of fall mini plates hanging in the kitchen.

And this pumpkin on a cabinet.

I just found this candle really cheap at Rite Aid.

There's lots more, but by now you are either bored to death or want to smash the computer screen. So Happy Fall!

“How can we honor our God with our lives, The God who gives rain in both spring and autumn and maintains the rhythm of the seasons, Who sets aside time each year for harvest and keeps everything running smoothly for us?”
Jeremiah 5


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Such pretty bits and bobs you have to decorate your home for the fall season.

DeniseinVA said...

You have some lovely Fall decorations and that photo of Anne Marie is so cute. Thanks for stopping by my fairy fence post. It is not my fairy garden but taken at one of my favorite gardens in the area.

Ann said...

I love all your fall decorations and I'm not bored at all. I love seeing them. Love the angel with the leaf wings and the picture of Anne Marie is adorable.
I need to get some of my fall stuff out if I can find the time. Maybe this weekend I can get Wade to take over puppy patrol.

Hootin Anni said...

Everything...EVERYthing is just perfect Ginny. Some terrific finds and wonderful autumn flair.

If you'd like add the link to this post at the Autumn Showcase [link is the graphic at the top of my blog]

Unknown said...

Happy Fall to you Ginny, your house looks VERY festive!

Tamago said...

You have such pretty fall decoration items! I especially love the angel - how unique the wings are in the shape of fall leaves. And the green pumpkin, amazing that it's made from thin wood! But most of all, photo of Anne Marie in the "Little pumpkin" photo frame is so adorable and precious :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my favorite is Anne Marie in the frame and rack of plates. I have no decorations at all.. and have not ever had fall decorations in 70 years except when i lived with my mother. she would love love love everything you showed here. i did not inherit her decorator gene...

Patsy said...

I really love fall colors. Have a fun day.

Linda said...

Beautiful, Ginny!

Reanaclaire said...

Your house is so tidy and nice, Ginny! Love your decorations!

Lady Jane said...

Love all your fall accessories. I just have a witch on the front door, lol...

Ruth Kelly said...

I vote for your little pumpkin photo.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Surprise.I am neither bored nor have the desire to smash the computer screen.I was just enjoying my visit to your house and all the 'pretties' you are displaying.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

You have some neat fall things to decorate your home with, Ginny. Happy fall to you!

Tanya Breese said...

you have some pretty things and that little pumpkin anne marie is precious! i bet that's your favorite ;)

Catherine said...

dear Ginny, I love all of these decorations. They are heartwarming and very sweet and are simply what makes a home comforting.
Blessings dear. Catherine

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh I do think I love the last one best! How cute!

SquirrelQueen said...

Not bored at all, you have some really cute decorations Ginny. The photo of Anne Marie is precious. And I love all of the pumpkins.

Chatty Crone said...

I think you have the perfect decorations for fall!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

interesting green pumpkin.

Small Kucing said...

It's so festive looking over there, Ginny. Have a great weekend! :)

LV said...

You do better than me, I gave up decorations long time ago. Just me, not important.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Great job setting up Fall!...:)JP

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