Monday, October 27, 2014

The Cat Decorators

The cats in our neighborhood are very proud of their Halloween decorating this year. And they have agreed to let me photograph their creations! So, let's start with a cat a few blocks away who has chosen the pirate look!

                               Next, this cat has chosen the simplicity of just two pumpkins.

This cat has gone all out by lining all the steps with pumpkins! He asked me to report that he achieved his look, but his paws are quite sore.

                           This cat has chosen a lighted wreath in hopes that it will draw some moths.

This black cat has kept a few large ferns around, in hopes of jumping out of them at night to scare the children. Trick-Or-Meow!

This cat proudly shows his beautiful flag.

This kitty sharpened his claws on a piece of felt, and made this lady pumpkin. 

This cat got very elaborate and made a large piece or artwork!

In a last minute surprise, a few dogs thought they would try some decorating. This turned out badly, and ruined the whole fall theme. This German Shepherd was not in a good mood, and just scattered some pumpkins around.

And the next two dogs were rather vain, and put out flags of their own photos instead of fall themes, thus ruining the flow of the whole neighborhood.

 “God sets out the entire creation as a science classroom, using birds and beasts to teach wisdom.
Job 35


Betsy Banks Adams said...

HI Ginny, The 'cats' and 'dogs' all did a great job decorating for Halloween. It's hard to believe that November is almost here.

We've been on vacation in Maggie Valley. Had a great week. I published a cute blog today from our vacation in Cataloochee this past week. Check it out if you haven't yet.

DeniseinVA said...

This is such a cute post Ginny. Clever furry things :) Love your header too :)

Linda said...

Love this, Ginny!!! And your header is a winner, as always. :)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

This post is hilarious. You have some smart cats in your neighborhood!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!! to funny that you found all these pets with decorations.. i would love to drive your streets. we have maybe 3 houses with decorations, make that 4.. and that is hundreds of homes.. can't pic a favorite they are all fantastic.

Tamago said...

Oh kitties! You all did a great job decorating for Halloween! I love the idea of Trick-Or-Meow :-)
LOL with the last minute surprise! Looks like woofies are not so good at decorating :-)Too funny that they put out flags with their faces instead fall themes. Hahaha.

Ruth Kelly said...

What a nice way to feature Halloween with all those cats and dogs!

Jeanne said...

You must have a lot of patience to capture all these cute pictures! Very very cute!

Gail said...

I love your decorating committee members.

I am also partial to your Job quote. So very true.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I need new cats. My cats have put out NOTHING for Halloween this year. I'm so mad now. All the other cats did such a nice job too.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I need new cats. My cats have put out NOTHING for Halloween this year. I'm so mad now. All the other cats did such a nice job too.

Cranberry Morning said...

So cute!! That black cat is slinking off to go hide so he can pounce on some unsuspecting passerby! That first cat looks like he's all decked out in Halloween colors himself. This is such a CUTE post!

Cranberry Morning said...

P.S. I would be happy to take that GSD and help him become a sweet, lovable doggie. Still miss my shepherd something terrible.

Also, wanted to say that I love your accompanying Scripture.

Chatty Crone said...

I love your photos - all ready for Halloween. And I love your header!

Patsy said...

Hope all went well with the doctor visit.
This means there are lots of smart cats in your neighbor.LOL

Shug said...

fun things in this neighbors yard is FULL of stuff and even some cow bones. I really need to do a post on it. Your photos are always fun!!

Ann Thompson said...

I LOVE this post and may I say you have some very talented cats in your neighborhood. They sure have an eye for design :)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I love these! Cute! And that header is fantastic. Love the editing on it!

Small Kucing said...

i like meow better :)

Dee said...

Very clever post :)

Catherine said...

Dear Ginny, Such a nice festive neighborhood. The doggie photo's are quite too.
Blessings, Catherine

Sunday Sunset - Squiggles & Lines

 I snapped these just a few days ago.