Monday, February 16, 2015

The Return

I like to mark on the calendar when I see the first robin of spring. And last Friday, there were robins in the front yard! And across the street there were a whole flock of them!

I got out my camera and started snapping them through the storm door. They were actually listening to the ground for worms and pulling them up!

It has been snowing all day, and is to snow Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. And later this week the actual temp will be -4. So I imagine they will all die. I have come to the conclusion that they do not return because of the weather, but because of programmed migration in their little brains.

Here is a little house finch who found a big seed in the snow today. I hope both finches and robins will survive!

“And robins, warblers, and bluebirds know when it’s time to come back again. But my people? My people know nothing, not the first thing of God and his rule.

Jeremiah 8


Linda said...

Dear Ginny, your header really caught my eye, what a precious robin! All of your photos are beautiful, thank you so much for spreading the joy around with your beautiful photos and Scriptures.

DeniseinVA said...

I agree with Linda, your header is beautiful. I sometimes forget to mention them, but each one is a delight. I saw a couple of robins the other day. I hope all the birds and animals will stay safe through the storms.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Ginny glad the robins are arriving back with you. Surely that means spring is also on its way.

Hootin Anni said...

Oh I don't think they'll die .... they know when and where to get to a safer, warmer spot. Even in winter.

GREAT photos, a touch of Springtime before another storm front. Stay warm yourself Ginny.

From the Kitchen said...

You are taking a pounding with snow. Hope you can stay in an just enjoy it's beauty. Keep safe!


Rose said...

We see robins in Indianapolis all year, but not here. So I think your robins will survive. I haven't seen one here yet, but it almost always snows some after we see them.

Chatty Crone said...

Ginny - what does it mean when you see Robins? Yesterday I saw a huge flock of them too!

EG CameraGirl said...

OH GOODY! That means spring is moving northward. ;)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

They should survive the winter weather. They often arrive here too early, too. I'll be glad to see them because then I know spring is just around the corner! Yay!

Tamago said...

Wow, that's a lot of robins! I sure hope they will survive. We have had many birds coming to our feeder, but it's got cold this week. I hope they are somewhere warmer. The photo of finch is very cute with a big seed in his mouth! Stay warm and have a great day xoxo

Patsy said...

We saw a flock last week, they are funny to watch listen then run a ways then listen they cover the ground fast.
No that rose was not mine but would love to have it in my yard.

Nancy Chan said...

Ginny, great shots of the robin. The birds are beautiful.

Marie said...

Your Robins are even more pretty in that sunshine! That is such a pretty colored finch. :)

DawnTreader said...

Oh I do hope they find some place to seek protection and that people put out food for them... And that the snowy weather won't last much longer!

Ruth Hiebert said...

The Robin is the sure sign of spring.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Poor little guys... I always feed the birds in winter --and when the weather gets bad (Like it is now), I really worry about them...

You did get some great pictures. Hope your Robins found a warm place to go.


Ann Thompson said...

Love your photos. This winter has been killer with the low temperatures. I always feel sorry for the birds who stay all winter although they're used to it

LV said...

You captured some really great shots of the robins. None around here. I think they are one of the prettiest birds. Sorry you are getting so much snow. Glad it missed us.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Maybe there are some robins that stay year round? Seems I have seen them throughout the year. I hope they will be okay in the coming bitter temps.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Maybe there are some robins that stay year round? Seems I have seen them throughout the year. I hope they will be okay in the coming bitter temps.

Catherine said...

Dear Ginny, It has been soooo cold and more on the way. I saw robins the other day too. I pray for these little darlings to survive. xoxo Catherine

Shug said...

You all are really being hit with some hard, cold weather. Hopefully...the robins will find warm shelter and will survive the frigid temps...

LC said...

Hope your robins survive. We have robins down here in the winter. Lovely photos and the color is so brilliant on the little finch.

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